expokit.f90 File Reference

The expokit module – EXPOKIT 3rd party solver. More...


module  expokit
 Expokit (University of Queensland) solver module.


subroutine dgcoov (x, y, n, nz, ia, ja, a)
subroutine dgpadm (ideg, m, t, H, ldh, wsp, lwsp, ipiv, iexph, ns, iflag)
subroutine dnchbv (m, t, H, ldh, y, zwsp)
subroutine dgexpv (n, nz, m, t, v, w, tol, anorm, ia, ja, a, wsp, lwsp, zwsp, lzwsp, iwsp, liwsp, itrace, iflag)
subroutine dgphiv (n, nz, m, t, u, v, w, tol, anorm, ia, ja, a, wsp, lwsp, zwsp, lzwsp, iwsp, liwsp, matvec, itrace, iflag)


integer, parameter nmax = 5000
integer, parameter nzmax = 600000

Detailed Description

The expokit module – EXPOKIT 3rd party solver.