kernel_radau5.f90 File Reference

The kernel_radau5 module. More...


module  kernel_radau5
 Wrapper for the 3rd party RADAU5 solver.


subroutine fcn (n, t, y, f)
subroutine jac ()
subroutine solout ()
subroutine radau5_solve (trx, itot, non, n0, n, delta_t, diag, a, b, zero_flux_step, is_adjoint, abstol, reltol)


type(origen_transitionmatrixp) xtrx
 Library data (NOTE: THIS CLASS IS NOT THREAD SAFE!) More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable xloc
 parent locations More...
real(c_double), dimension(:), allocatable xd
 Diagonal elements of the transition matrix. More...
real(c_double), dimension(:), allocatable xa
 Nondiagonal elements of the transition matrix. More...
real(c_double), dimension(:), allocatable xb
 Right side of the equation (source term) More...
real(c_double) fake_flux
 fake flux level to last_transition is decay if=0 More...

Detailed Description

The kernel_radau5 module.