

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ScaleUtils/IO/DB.h"
#include "Nemesis/comm/Logger.hh"
#include "Nemesis/gtest/nemesis_gtest.hh"
#include "Nemesis/harness/DBC.hh"
#include "ScaleSTL/Functions.h"
#include "Standard/Interface/AbstractWriter.h"
#include "Standard/Interface/BasicIOWriter.h"
#include "Standard/Interface/Communicator.h"
#include "Standard/Interface/jdebug.h"
using ScaleUtils::IO::nprintf;
using ScaleSTL::approx_eq;
typedef std::vector<std::string> Vec_Str;
Standard::Communicator world;
TEST( MultiZoneDepleter, CommTest )
// jDebugLine("Host: '" << world.host()
// << "', rank: " << world.rank()
// << ", size: " << world.size());
double x = world.rank();
std::vector<double> vecx;
world.allgather( x, vecx );
for( size_t i = 0; i < vecx.size(); ++i )
// pnout << nprintf("rank: %3d
// val[%3d]=%8.2f\n",world.rank(),i,vecx[i]);
EXPECT_EQ( i, vecx[i] );
std::ofstream ofs(
nprintf( "%s_%04d", world.host().c_str(), world.rank() ) );
ofs << world.host() << std::endl;
ofs << world.rank() << std::endl;
for( size_t i = 0; i < vecx.size(); ++i )
ofs << nprintf( "val[%3d]=%8.2f\n", i, vecx[i] );
void get_name_id( int start, std::string& name, int& id )
id = 1000 * ( world.rank() + 1 ) + start;
name = nprintf( "mix%05d", id );
// Don't be alarmed, this is all just approximate.
double cm2_barn = 1e-24; // cm^2/barn
double at_mol = 6.022e23; // at/mol
double dens = 10.4; // g/cm^3
double vol = 12.0; // cm^3
double hm_dens = 0.8815 * dens; // gHM/cm^3
double mol_hm = hm_dens / 235.; // moles/cm^3 HM
double atom_hm = mol_hm * at_mol; // atoms/cm^3 HM
double abcm_hm = atom_hm * cm2_barn; // atoms/barn*cm HM
double amt_hm = abcm_hm * vol; // atoms*cm^2/barn HM
// library variables
std::string name0;
int id0;
get_name_id( 5, name0, id0 );
new Origen::Material( "GENERAL", lib, name0, id0, vol ) );
jDebugTaggedLine( "material library assoc finished..." );
// BOS numden
std::vector<int> id{92235};
std::vector<double> num{amt_hm};
mat->set_amount_bos( num, id );
jDebugTaggedLine( "set begin-of-step..." );
// std::cout << mat->to_string() << std::endl;
jDebugTaggedLine( "leaving setup_material1" );
return mat;
// Don't be alarmed, this is all just approximate.
double cm2_barn = 1e-24; // cm^2/barn
double at_mol = 6.022e23; // at/mol
double dens = 10.4; // g/cm^3
double vol = 7.5; // cm^3
double hm_dens = 0.8815 * dens; // gHM/cm^3
double mol_hm = hm_dens / 238.; // moles/cm^3 HM
double atom_hm = mol_hm * at_mol; // atoms/cm^3 HM
double abcm_hm = atom_hm * cm2_barn; // atoms/barn*cm HM
double amt_hm = abcm_hm * vol; // atoms*cm^2/barn HM
// library variables
std::string name0;
int id0;
get_name_id( 4, name0, id0 );
new Origen::Material( "GENERAL", lib, name0, id0, vol ) );
jDebugTaggedLine( "material library assoc finished..." );
// BOS numden
std::vector<int> id{92235, 92238};
std::vector<double> num{0.1 * amt_hm, 0.9 * amt_hm};
mat->set_amount_bos( num, id );
jDebugTaggedLine( "set begin-of-step..." );
// std::cout << mat->to_string() << std::endl;
jDebugTaggedLine( "leaving setup_material2" );
return mat;
DataContainer& dc,
dc.addDouble( "backgroundPower", 0.0 );
dc.addDouble( "systemPower", 0.0 );
dc.addBool( "depleteByPower", false );
dc.addInt( "numSubsteps", 1 );
// setup material 1
matmap->add( setup_material1( lib ) );
jDebugTaggedLine( "leaving build_simple_data1..." );
DataContainer& dc,
build_simple_data1( lib, dc, matmap );
// setup material 2
matmap->add( setup_material2( lib ) );
jDebugTaggedLine( "leaving build_simple_data2..." );
class MultiZoneDepleterTester : public ::testing::Test
// data
DataContainer dc;
Standard::SP_Communicator comm;
bool created;
void SetUp()
// other stuff
// get a library
lib = std::make_shared<Origen::Library>();
trx = lib->newsp_transition_matrix_at( 0 );
// set solver
mzd.set_solver( fake );
// create a dc and matmap
build_simple_data2( lib, dc, matmap );
// comm = world.split(0); //make a comm with ALL processes
// mzd.set_comm(comm);
mzd.set_comm( &world );
// associate materials
ASSERT_FALSE( matmap == nullptr );
mzd.set_materials( matmap );
// make sure we have mass
ASSERT_LT( 0.0, matmap->initial_mass() );
ASSERT_LT( 0.0, matmap->initial_hm_mass() );
// std::cout << matmap->to_string() << std::endl;
std::string name0;
int id0;
get_name_id( 4, name0, id0 );
mat4 = matmap->get( id0 );
ASSERT_EQ( mat4->name(), name0 );
nemesis::log_local() << name0 << endl;
get_name_id( 5, name0, id0 );
mat5 = matmap->get( id0 );
ASSERT_EQ( mat5->name(), name0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( mat4 != nullptr );
ASSERT_TRUE( mat5 != nullptr );
jDebugTaggedLine( "finished SetUp" );
void WrapUp()
jDebugTaggedLine( "finished WrapUp" );
void print( std::ostream& os = std::cout )
os << matmap->to_string() << std::endl;
if( !created ) return;
// set data for this step
mzd.add_step( 86400.0 * 10 );
mzd.update( dc );
// set data on materials
mat4->set_transition_matrix( trx );
mat4->set_flux( 1.0e14 );
mat5->set_transition_matrix( trx );
mat5->set_flux( 2.0e14 );
// execute
ASSERT_TRUE( mzd.execute() );
// extract material map
matmap = mzd.sp_materials();
ASSERT_FALSE( matmap == nullptr );
TEST_F( MultiZoneDepleterTester, DepleteByPower )
if( !created ) return;
double stepTime = 86400.0; // 1 day
double systemPower = 4400 + 2715; // material1+material2 assuming ~40 W/g
// each worker prints
std::string filename = nprintf( "matmap_rank%02d.txt", world.rank() );
std::ofstream ofs( filename );
int nnodes = world.size();
size_t nstep = 1;
for( size_t step = 0; step < nstep; ++step )
// add a new step if beyond the first (added in testing class)
mzd.add_step( stepTime );
// Add new step data.
mat4->set_transition_matrix( trx );
mat4->set_flux( 3.0e-1 );
mat5->set_transition_matrix( trx );
mat5->set_flux( 6.0e-1 );
// Update with new step data (don't really have to because we aren't
// changing anything on the dc, but it's how this will be
// executed in most cases.
dc.addInt( "numSubsteps", 1 );
dc.addBool( "depleteByPower", true );
dc.addDouble( "systemPower", systemPower ); // Watts
mzd.update( dc );
// check instantaneous powers at bos (trel=0.0)
EXPECT_NEAR( 5.29545e-12, 0.3 * mat4->power_factor_bos(), 1e-17 );
EXPECT_NEAR( 1.65698e-10, 0.6 * mat5->power_factor_bos(), 1e-15 );
// Solve the problem.
ASSERT_EQ( nstep + 1, scaling.size() );
EXPECT_NEAR( 4.16098e13, scaling[0], 1e8 );
// Get status.
const ScaleUtils::IO::DB& stat = mzd.status();
// Output status to a file.
ofs << mzd.status() << std::endl;
// We are replicating materials on all nodes.
// So with power held constant we can check the following:
// - local power will scale down proportional to nodes
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( systemPower / nnodes,
stat.get( "localMaterialTotalPower", -1.0 ) );
// - local flux will scale down proportional to nodes
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 2.4277535e+13 / nnodes,
stat.get( "localMaterialAverageFlux", -1.0 ) );
// - local volume will stay the same
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 19.5, stat.get( "localMaterialTotalVolume", -1.0 ) );
// - material 4 will always have half the flux of material 5
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 0.5, mat4->flux() / mat5->flux() );
// - global volume will scale up proportionally
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 19.5 * nnodes,
stat.get( "globalMaterialTotalVolume", -1.0 ) );
// - global average flux will scale down proportionally
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 2.4277535e+13 / nnodes,
stat.get( "globalMaterialAverageFlux", -1.0 ) );
// - global total power will be constant
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( systemPower,
stat.get( "globalMaterialTotalPower", -1.0 ) );
// print of the whole map
print( ofs );
class Stepper
virtual void initialize( Vec_Str ) = 0; // keys to check for convergence
// iteration control
virtual bool done() const = 0; // check in while loop
virtual void begin() = 0; // begin new step
virtual bool done_resp_its() const = 0; // uses internal logic to determine
virtual void begin_resp_its() = 0; // begin new response iteration loop
virtual void set_done_resp_its( bool ) = 0; // overrides any internal logic
// iteration query
virtual size_t resp_its_max() const = 0;
virtual double resp_its_tol() const = 0;
// time values
virtual size_t step() const = 0;
virtual double time0() const = 0;
virtual double time1() const = 0;
virtual double dtime() const = 0;
// update and get what was set
virtual size_t resp_its_count() const = 0;
virtual void update_resp( const Vec_Dbl& ) = 0;
virtual void get_last_resp( Vec_Dbl* ) const = 0;
virtual void get_resp( Vec_Dbl* ) const = 0;
virtual void get_delta_resp( Vec_Dbl* ) const = 0;
virtual void get_rel_delta_resp( Vec_Dbl* ) const = 0;
// guess value (returns true if interpolating/false if extrapolating)
virtual bool guess_r( double t, Vec_Dbl* ) const = 0;
virtual bool guess_dtrel( Vec_Dbl* dtrel ) const = 0;
virtual size_t guess_dtrel_size() const = 0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Stepper& s );
typedef std::shared_ptr<Stepper> SP_Stepper;
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Stepper& s )
return os << " tol=" << s.resp_its_tol() << " max=" << s.resp_its_max()
<< " dtrel.size()=" << s.guess_dtrel_size();
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const SP_Stepper& s )
return os << *s;
class Stepper_fixed : public virtual Stepper
virtual ~Stepper_fixed() {}
virtual void initialize( Vec_Str keys )
Require( keys.size() > 0 );
b_keys = keys;
b_resp.resize( b_keys.size(), 0.0 );
b_resp_last.resize( b_keys.size(), 0.0 );
Stepper_fixed( Vec_Dbl dtrel, int its_max, double its_tol )
b_dtrel = dtrel;
b_resp_its_max = its_max;
b_resp_its_tol = its_tol;
b_s = 0;
b_t0 = 0;
bool done() const
Require( b_keys.size() > 0 );
return !( b_s < b_dtrel.size() );
void begin()
b_t1 = b_t0 + b_dtrel[b_s - 1];
b_resp_done = false;
bool done_resp_its() const
// quick return
if( b_resp_done ) return true;
Vec_Dbl rel_dr;
get_delta_resp( &rel_dr );
for( auto r : rel_dr )
if( r > b_resp_its_tol ) return false;
b_resp_done = true;
return true;
void set_done_resp_its( bool done ) { b_resp_done = done; }
size_t resp_its_max() const { return b_resp_its_max; }
double resp_its_tol() const { return b_resp_its_tol; }
size_t step() const { return b_s - 1; }
double time0() const { return b_t0; }
double time1() const { return b_t1; }
double dtime() const { return b_t1 - b_t0; }
size_t resp_its_count() const { return b_resp_its_count; }
void update_resp( const Vec_Dbl& resp )
Require( resp.size() == b_keys.size() );
b_resp = resp;
void get_last_resp( Vec_Dbl* resp ) const { *resp = b_resp_last; }
void get_resp( Vec_Dbl* resp ) const { *resp = b_resp; }
void get_delta_resp( Vec_Dbl* resp ) const
Require( resp->size() == b_keys.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < b_keys.size(); ++i )
( *resp )[i] = b_resp[i] - b_resp_last[i];
void get_rel_delta_resp( Vec_Dbl* resp ) const
Require( resp->size() == b_keys.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < b_keys.size(); ++i )
( *resp )[i] = b_resp[i] - b_resp_last[i];
if( b_resp_last[i] != 0.0 )
( *resp )[i] /= b_resp_last[i];
// guess value (returns true if interpolating/false if extrapolating)
bool guess_r( double t, Vec_Dbl* resp ) const
*resp = b_resp;
return t == b_t1;
// true if known/false if guessing
bool guess_dtrel( Vec_Dbl* dtrel ) const
*dtrel = b_dtrel;
return true;
size_t guess_dtrel_size() const { return b_dtrel.size(); }
Vec_Dbl b_dtrel;
Vec_Dbl b_resp;
Vec_Dbl b_resp_last;
size_t b_s;
double b_t0;
double b_t1;
mutable bool b_resp_done;
public virtual ::testing::WithParamInterface<SP_Stepper>
void SetUp()
ASSERT_FALSE( matmap == nullptr );
stepper = GetParam();
SP_Stepper stepper;
// same-size steps, step-constant power constraint
TEST_P( MultiZoneDepleterTesterP, PowerConstraint0 )
if( !created ) return;
// time steps
Origen::Vec_Dbl sys_dt( 10, 86400. * 10 ); // 10 day periods
// power over each step
Origen::Vec_Dbl sys_p( 10, 7000 );
size_t c = 0;
for( auto& p : sys_p )
p *= ( c + 10. ) / 10.;
Vec_Dbl dtrel;
for( size_t n = 0; n < sys_dt.size(); ++n )
// Allocate memory on all materials for new step.
// Set global time step (all materials).
mzd.add_step( sys_dt[n] );
// Add new step data for each material.
mat4->set_transition_matrix( trx );
mat4->set_flux( 0.6 );
mat5->set_transition_matrix( trx );
mat5->set_flux( 0.4 );
// Set global power constraint
mzd.set_power_constraint( sys_p[n] );
// Set substep parameters. Eventually we want to move this into
// MZD such that it has its own stepper.
EXPECT_TRUE( stepper->guess_dtrel( &dtrel ) );
mzd.set_substep_dtrel( dtrel );
mzd.set_constraint_its_max( stepper->resp_its_max() );
mzd.set_constraint_its_tol( stepper->resp_its_tol() );
// Solve the problem.
// Get & check status.
const ScaleUtils::IO::DB& stat = mzd.status();
EXPECT_EQ( stepper->guess_dtrel_size(),
stat.get<int>( "numSubsteps" ) );
EXPECT_EQ( true, stat.get<bool>( "hasConstraint" ) );
EXPECT_EQ( mzd.dt(), stat.get<double>( "stepTime" ) );
EXPECT_EQ( "POWER", stat.get<std::string>( "constraintType" ) );
EXPECT_EQ( sys_p[n], stat.get<double>( "constraintValue" ) );
EXPECT_EQ( stepper->resp_its_max(),
stat.get<int>( "constraintItsMax" ) );
EXPECT_EQ( stepper->resp_its_tol(),
stat.get<double>( "constraintItsTol" ) );
// check power constraint is met
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( sys_p[n], matmap->power() );
const Vec_Dbl dtrel_1( {1.0} );
const Vec_Dbl dtrel_3( {0.1, 0.2, 0.7} );
const std::vector<SP_Stepper> steppers = {
dtrel_1, 1, 1e-5 ), // single step with 1 response iteration
dtrel_1, 2, 1e-5 ), // single step with 2 response iterations
1e-2 ), // single step with 2 response iterations & reduced tolerance
dtrel_3, 1, 1e-5 ), // multiple steps like above
dtrel_3, 2, 1e-5 ), // single step with 2 response iterations
1e-5 ), // single step with 2 response iterations & reduced tolerance
::testing::ValuesIn( steppers ) );