Origen Namespace Reference




class  Alpha
class  AlphaField
 fundamental particle field class: alpha field More...
class  AlphaSpectra
 Container for alpha spectrum data. More...
class  BetaSpectra
 Container for beta spectrum data. More...
class  Case
class  Channel
 Defines the channel interface for the TransitionSystem. More...
class  Channel_Gen
 General-purpose implementation of the Channel interface. More...
class  ChannelType
 Defines the channel type interface for the TransitionSystem. More...
class  ChannelType_Decay
 Channel type for decay. More...
class  ChannelType_Fiss
 Channel type for fission. More...
class  ChannelType_Reac
 Channel type for (non-fission) reactions. More...
class  Checkable
struct  CompContainer
 Struct to store compositions (always as number fractions) More...
class  CompManager
 Class for mixing up sweet materials. More...
class  ConcentrationConverter
class  Concentrations
 Container for Concentrations data. More...
class  DecayChannel
class  DecayData
class  DecayParent
class  DecayResource
class  DecayResourceIO
class  DecayResourceIO_cimg
class  Deuteron
class  DeuteronField
 fundamental particle field class: deuteron field More...
class  Diff
 simple interface for differs More...
class  DiscreteSpectrum
 defines a set of lines (energy points and intensities) More...
class  Electron
class  ElectronField
 fundamental particle field class: electron field More...
class  EmissionResource
class  EmissionSpectrum
 defines a continuous + discrete line spectra for a single nuclide More...
struct  Energy
class  EnergyResource
 Computes kappa values for fission/capture based on izzzaaa lookup. More...
class  FakeFactory
class  Field
 Defines the field interface for the TransitionSystem. More...
class  Field_Gen
 General-purpose implementation of the Field interface. More...
class  GammaResource
class  GammaResourceIO
class  GammaResourceIO_cimg
class  GammaSpectra
 Container for gamma spectrum data. More...
class  GridData_TransitionCoeff
 Creates a GridData object for TransitionCoeff-based responses, used to interpolate TransitionCoeff objects. More...
class  GridView
 GridView provides a template for creating "views" of date usable with GridData to perform interpolation and "permute" interpolated types. More...
class  GridView_State
class  GridView_StateInfo
class  GridView_TransitionCoeff
 Viewer for interpolating TransitionCoeff data using GridData. More...
class  Helion
class  HelionField
 fundamental particle field class: helion field More...
class  History
struct  implicitTag
struct  LexicalOrderIZZZAAA
 sorting function More...
class  Library
class  LibraryBuilder
class  LibraryHeader
class  LibraryIO
class  LibraryIO_bof
class  LibraryIO_s61
class  LibraryIO_s62b
class  LibraryType
class  LocalDiff
class  Material
 Container for an ORIGEN depletable material. More...
class  MaterialMap
 Simple map of materials id->Origen::Material. More...
class  MultiZoneDepleter
 Performs one step of irradiation (potentially many substeps) for many materials, with a fixed transition matrix which resides on each material. More...
class  Neutrino
class  NeutrinoField
 fundamental particle field class: neutrino field More...
class  Neutron
class  NeutronField
 fundamental particle field class: neutron field More...
class  NeutronSpectra
 Container for gamma spectrum data. More...
class  Nuclide
 Defines the nuclide interface for the TransitionSystem. More...
class  Nuclide_Gen
 General-purpose implementation of the Nuclide interface. More...
class  NuclideGroupFilter
class  NuclideResource
class  NuclideResourceIO
class  NuclideResourceIO_json
class  NuclideResourceIO_sclib
class  NuclideSet
class  Null
class  NullField
 fundamental particle field class: null field (for decay) More...
class  Obiwan_convert
 execute obiwan in convert mode More...
class  Obiwan_diff
 execute obiwan in diff mode More...
class  Obiwan_info
 execute obiwan in info mode More...
class  Obiwan_interp
 execute obiwan in interp mode More...
class  Obiwan_patch
 execute obiwan in patch mode More...
class  Obiwan_tag
 execute obiwan in tag mode More...
class  Obiwan_view
 execute obiwan in view mode More...
class  Positron
class  PositronField
 fundamental particle field class: positron field More...
struct  Power
class  Proton
class  ProtonField
 fundamental particle field class: proton field More...
class  Quantity
class  ReactionResource
 Multi-group cross section/yields resource. More...
class  ReactionResourceIO
class  ReactionResourceIO_ampx
class  Removal
 Stores removal constants. More...
class  Solver
 Interface satisfied ORIGEN single step depletion/decay solver. More...
class  Solver_cram
 CRAM depletion solver class satisfying Origen::solver. More...
class  Solver_Fake
 A fake solver satisfying the Origen::Solver interface. More...
class  Solver_matrex
 MATREX solver class satisfying Origen::solver. More...
class  SolverSelector
 Class for getting the selected solver. More...
class  Species
 Defines the species interface for the TransitionSystem. More...
class  Species_Gen
 General-purpose implementation of the Species interface. More...
class  Spectrum
 Container for spectrum data. More...
struct  STab1
 a simplified Tab1 container More...
class  STab1Reader
 simplified Tab1 reader More...
class  STab1Writer
 simplified Tab1 writeer More...
class  State
 Container for state data. More...
class  StateInfo
 Container for a State information tag. More...
class  StateSet
class  StateSetIO
class  StateSetIO_bof
class  StateSetIO_s61
class  StateSetIO_s62b
class  TagManager
 TagManager class definition. More...
struct  Time
class  Transition
 Defines the transition interface for the TransitionSystem. More...
class  Transition_Gen
class  Transition_GenByp
class  TransitionCoeff
 Container for transition coefficient data. More...
class  TransitionGroupFilter
class  TransitionMatrixP
class  TransitionMatrixUpdater
class  TransitionStructure
 Container for transition structure data. More...
class  TransitionSystem
 Defines the interface TransitionSystem. More...
class  TransitionSystem_Gen
 General-purpose implementation of the TransitionSystem interface. More...
class  TransitionSystemAdapter_AmpxN
class  TransitionSystemAdapter_DecayResource
class  TransitionSystemAdapter_TransitionMatrix
class  Triton
class  TritonField
 fundamental particle field class: triton field More...
struct  Unitless
class  YieldData
class  YieldParent
class  YieldResource
class  YieldResourceIO
class  YieldResourceIO_ampx
class  YieldResourceIO_stab1


typedef AlphaSpectra::SP SP_AlphaSpectra
typedef AlphaSpectra::SCP SCP_AlphaSpectra
typedef BetaSpectra::SP SP_BetaSpectra
typedef BetaSpectra::SCP SCP_BetaSpectra
typedef Concentrations::SP SP_Concentrations
typedef Concentrations::SCP SCP_Concentrations
typedef DecayData::SP SP_DecayData
typedef DecayData::SCP SCP_DecayData
typedef std::vector< double > Vec_Dbl
typedef Vec_Dbl EnergyBounds
typedef std::pair< double, double > Line
typedef std::set< Line, std::greater< Line > > Set_Line
typedef EmissionSpectrum::SP SP_Emission
typedef EmissionSpectrum::SCP SCP_Emission
typedef GammaSpectra::SP SP_GammaSpectra
typedef GammaSpectra::SCP SCP_GammaSpectra
typedef GridView_TransitionCoeff::SP SP_GridView_TransitionCoeff
typedef Quantity< UnitlessU
typedef Library::SP SP_Library
typedef Library::SCP SCP_Library
typedef LibraryHeader::SP SP_LibraryHeader
typedef LibraryHeader::SCP SCP_LibraryHeader
typedef std::shared_ptr< DoubleList > SP_DoubleList
typedef Origen::TransitionMatrixP TrMatrix
typedef std::shared_ptr< TrMatrixSP_TrMatrix
typedef std::deque< SP_TrMatrixDeq_TrMatrix
typedef std::deque< SP_DoubleListDeq_Amt
typedef std::deque< Removal::SPDeq_Removal
typedef std::shared_ptr< MaterialBuffer > SP_MaterialBuffer
typedef std::shared_ptr< MaterialSP_Material
typedef std::shared_ptr< MaterialMapSP_MaterialMap
typedef NeutronSpectra::SP SP_NeutronSpectra
typedef NeutronSpectra::SCP SCP_NeutronSpectra
typedef NuclideSet::SP SP_NuclideSet
typedef NuclideSet::SCP SCP_NuclideSet
typedef Spectrum::SP SP_Spectrum
typedef Spectrum::SCP SCP_Spectrum
typedef State::SP SP_State
typedef State::SCP SCP_State
typedef StateInfo::SP SP_StateInfo
typedef StateInfo::SCP SCP_StateInfo
typedef std::pair< double, double > Pair_TB
typedef std::pair< Pair_TB, SCP_NeutronSpectraPair_NSpectra
typedef std::pair< Pair_TB, SCP_AlphaSpectraPair_ASpectra
typedef std::pair< Pair_TB, SCP_BetaSpectraPair_BSpectra
typedef std::pair< Pair_TB, SCP_GammaSpectraPair_GSpectra
typedef std::pair< Pair_TB, SCP_ConcentrationsPair_Concs
typedef std::vector< Pair_NSpectraVec_Pair_NSpectra
typedef std::vector< Pair_ASpectraVec_Pair_ASpectra
typedef std::vector< Pair_BSpectraVec_Pair_BSpectra
typedef std::vector< Pair_GSpectraVec_Pair_GSpectra
typedef std::vector< Pair_ConcsVec_Pair_Concs
typedef std::vector< SP_StateVec_SP_State
typedef std::shared_ptr< Vec_SP_StateSP_Vec_SP_State
typedef StateSet::SP SP_StateSet
typedef StateSet::SCP SCP_StateSet
typedef TagManager::SP SP_TagManager
typedef TagManager::SCP SCP_TagManager
typedef TransitionCoeff::SP SP_TransitionCoeff
typedef TransitionCoeff::SCP SCP_TransitionCoeff
typedef TransitionMatrixP::SP SP_TransitionMatrixP
typedef TransitionMatrixP::SCP SCP_TransitionMatrixP
typedef TransitionStructure::SP SP_TransitionStructure
typedef TransitionStructure::SCP SCP_TransitionStructure
typedef std::vector< std::string > Vec_Str
typedef std::vector< int > Vec_Int
typedef std::vector< float > Vec_Flt
typedef std::vector< size_t > Vec_Sze
typedef std::vector< bool > Vec_Bool
typedef std::deque< double > Deq_Dbl
typedef std::vector< Vec_DblVec_Vec_Dbl
typedef std::shared_ptr< Vec_IntSP_Vec_Int
typedef std::shared_ptr< Vec_DblSP_Vec_Dbl
typedef std::shared_ptr< Vec_FltSP_Vec_Flt
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Vec_IntSCP_Vec_Int
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Vec_DblSCP_Vec_Dbl
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Vec_FltSCP_Vec_Flt
typedef unsigned short int FieldId
typedef int NuclideId
typedef int SpeciesId
typedef int ByproductId
typedef std::pair< FieldId, int > ChannelTypeId_t
typedef std::map< int, size_t > IdMap
typedef std::shared_ptr< IdMapSP_IdMap
typedef std::shared_ptr< const IdMapSCP_IdMap
typedef std::pair< double, double > EnergyRange_t
typedef std::shared_ptr< DiffSP_Diff
typedef std::shared_ptr< STab1SP_STab1
 smart pointer More...
typedef DecayResource::SP SP_DecayResource
typedef DecayResource::SCP SCP_DecayResource
typedef EmissionResource::SP SP_EmissionResource
typedef EmissionResource::SCP SCP_EmissionResource
typedef GammaResource::SP SP_GammaResource
typedef GammaResource::SCP SCP_GammaResource
typedef NuclideResource::SP SP_NuclideResource
typedef NuclideResource::SCP SCP_NuclideResource
typedef ReactionResource::SP SP_ReactionResource
typedef ReactionResource::SCP SCP_ReactionResource
typedef std::map< int, int > FPMap_t
typedef std::map< int, int > ParentMap_t
typedef std::shared_ptr< YieldResourceSP_YieldResource
typedef TransitionSystem::SP SP_TransitionSystem
typedef std::shared_ptr< SpeciesSP_Species
typedef std::shared_ptr< FieldSP_Field
typedef std::shared_ptr< ChannelTypeSP_ChannelType
typedef std::shared_ptr< ChannelSP_Channel
typedef std::shared_ptr< NuclideSP_Nuclide
typedef std::shared_ptr< TransitionSP_Transition
typedef SpeciesWP_Species
typedef FieldWP_Field
typedef ChannelTypeWP_ChannelType
typedef ChannelWP_Channel
typedef NuclideWP_Nuclide
typedef TransitionWP_Transition
typedef TransitionSystemWP_TransitionSystem
typedef const SpeciesCWP_Species
typedef const FieldCWP_Field
typedef const ChannelTypeCWP_ChannelType
typedef const ChannelCWP_Channel
typedef const NuclideCWP_Nuclide
typedef const TransitionCWP_Transition
typedef const TransitionSystemCWP_TransitionSystem
typedef std::map< ByproductId, int > ByproductCount_t
typedef std::shared_ptr< CompManagerSP_CompManager
typedef std::shared_ptr< MultiZoneDepleterSP_MultiZoneDepleter
typedef std::shared_ptr< SolverSP_Solver
typedef std::shared_ptr< const SolverSCP_Solver
typedef std::shared_ptr< Solver_FakeSP_Solver_Fake
typedef std::vector< Transition::WPVec_Trans
typedef ScaleData::MGFluxMapper< float > MGFluxMapper
typedef std::shared_ptr< MGFluxMapperSP_MGFluxMapper
typedef std::shared_ptr< SolverSelectorSP_SolverSelector
typedef std::shared_ptr< const SolverSelectorSCP_SolverSelector


enum  ConcentrationUnit {
  NOT_GIVEN = -1, GATOMS = 0, ATOMS_B_CM = 1, GRAMS = 2,
  AIRM_3 = 7, APELEM = 8, BECQUERELS = 9, GAMWATTS = 10,
  GAMMEVS = 11, GPERCM_3 = 12, H2OM_3 = 13, KILOGRAMS = 14,
  WPELEM = 15, WATTS = 16, MEVS = 17, PARTICLES_SEC = 18,
enum  Representation { CONSTANT = 0, LINEAR = 1 }
enum  YieldType {


string convertConcUnitToPrettyString (ConcentrationUnit unit)
string convertConcUnitToString (ConcentrationUnit unit)
ConcentrationUnit convertStringToConcUnit (const string &value)
int unitAsInt (const ConcentrationUnit &unit)
ConcentrationUnit intAsUnit (const int &unit)
bool isMassUnit (ConcentrationUnit unit)
bool isNumberUnit (ConcentrationUnit unit)
bool isDecayUnit (ConcentrationUnit unit)
bool isSpectrumUnit (ConcentrationUnit unit)
bool isReactionUnit (ConcentrationUnit unit)
bool isVolumetric (ConcentrationUnit unit)
bool needsVolumeToConvert (ConcentrationUnit unita, ConcentrationUnit unitb)
double Energy::base< Energy::JOULE > ()
double Energy::base< Energy::EV > ()
double Energy::base< Energy::KWH > ()
double Energy::base< Energy::MWD > ()
double Energy::base< Energy::GWD > ()
double Energy::base< Energy::GWYR > ()
std::string Energy::name< Energy::JOULE > ()
std::string Energy::name< Energy::EV > ()
std::string Energy::name< Energy::KWH > ()
std::string Energy::name< Energy::MWD > ()
std::string Energy::name< Energy::GWD > ()
std::string Energy::name< Energy::GWYR > ()
Vec_Int create_zzzaaai_seq1 (size_t total_nuclides)
NuclideSet createNuclideSet_random1 ()
Vec_Int createNuclideIds5 ()
Vec_Int createNuclideIds6 ()
DecayData createDecayData_random1 (const LibraryHeader &def)
TransitionStructure createTransitionStructure_random1 (const LibraryHeader &def)
TransitionCoeff createTransitionCoeff_random1 (const LibraryHeader &def)
double Unitless::base< Unitless::ONE > ()
std::string Unitless::name< Unitless::ONE > ()
double integrate_history (const Vec_Dbl &scaling, const Material::History_t &hist)
std::string h2string (const Material::History_t &hist)
double Power::base< Power::WATT > ()
std::string Power::name< Power::WATT > ()
void SerialRegistrar (Standard::SerialFactory *factory)
 Registrar for serializable objects. More...
std::vector< implicitTagcheckImplicitTags (const std::vector< TagManager > &tagManList, const TagManager &tm)
 Function to check the tag managers from a set of TagManagers (e.g., from a set of Library objects) to enssure that they have all of the tags requested in a reference TagManager. Then checks to see if the libraries have any other interpolable tags. If so, these are collected along with all of the values for that tag on all of the TagManagers and returned. More...
void addImpliedTags (const std::vector< implicitTag > &tagSpans, TagManager *tm, Vec_Str *dimNames)
 Function to add unspecified interpolable tags to a reference tag manager with the average value of that tag over all libraries provided. More...
std::string parseTags (const std::string &str, Vec_Str *tags, Vec_Str *values, Vec_Bool *modify)
double Time::base< Time::SECONDS > ()
double Time::base< Time::MINUTES > ()
double Time::base< Time::HOURS > ()
double Time::base< Time::DAYS > ()
double Time::base< Time::YEARS > ()
std::string Time::name< Time::SECONDS > ()
std::string Time::name< Time::MINUTES > ()
std::string Time::name< Time::HOURS > ()
std::string Time::name< Time::DAYS > ()
std::string Time::name< Time::YEARS > ()
bool nuclide_in_bounds (const int n, const int ntotal)
bool only_set_component (const int mt_in)
void toQString_tinds_2d (const IntegerList &nind_list, const IntegerList &transition_ids, const Integer2dList &tinds_2d)
void read (const bof::BOFObject &obj, TagManager &tag_manager)
 read a tag manager from a bof object More...
void read (const bof::BOFObject &obj, std::string name, TagManager &tag_manager)
 read a tag manager from a bof object More...
void write (bof::BOFObject &obj, std::string name, const TagManager &tag_manager)
 write a tag manager to a bof object More...
void write (bof::BOFObject &obj, const TagManager &tag_manager)
 write a tag manager to a bof object More...
void read (const bof::BOFObject &obj, std::string name, StateInfo &states_info)
 read state info from a bof object More...
void read (const bof::BOFObject &obj, StateInfo &states_info)
 read state info from a bof object More...
void write (bof::BOFObject &obj, std::string name, const StateInfo &states_info)
 write state info to a bof object More...
void write (bof::BOFObject &obj, const StateInfo &states_info)
 write state info to a bof object More...
SP_Diff diffLibrary (const Library &a, const Library &b, int pos, double reltol)
std::string diffConcentrations (const Concentrations &a, const Concentrations &b, double reltol)
template<typename T >
std::string diffLine (const std::string &head, const T &val1, const T &val2, float tol=1.0e-5)
template<typename T >
std::string diffHalfLine (const std::string &head, const T &val, const int &side)
void graphvizLibrary (const Library &lib, int pos, std::ostream &os)
void graphvizLibrary (const Library &lib, int pos, const std::vector< double > *numden, const NuclideGroupFilter &nfilter, const TransitionGroupFilter &tfilter, bool include_byproducts, std::ostream &os)
SP_Library interpLibraryND (const std::vector< TagManager > &tagManList, const TagManager &tm)
SP_Library interpLibraryND (const std::vector< SCP_Library > &, const TagManager &)


std::vector< TagManagerselectLibraries (const std::vector< TagManager > &tmList, const TagManager &tmRef)
 Function to take a wide selection of Origen Libraries in memory and only return those that have the ID and Interp tags requested in the provided TagManager. Then checks to make sure the ID tag values match. More...
std::vector< SCP_LibraryselectLibraries (const std::vector< SCP_Library > &libList, const TagManager &tmRef)
 Function to take a wide selection of Origen Libraries in memory and only return those that have the ID and Interp tags requested in the provided TagManager. Then checks to make sure the ID tag values match. More...
std::vector< SP_TagManagercollectLibraries (const std::vector< std::string > &lib_names)
 Function that accepts names of Origen library files on disk which can be full paths if necessary. More...
std::vector< SP_TagManagercollectLibrariesParallel (const std::vector< std::string > &lib_names)
 Function that accepts names of Origen library files on disk which can be full paths if necessary. More...
bool setbuLibrary (Library &obj, ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts)
bool thinLibrary (Library &obj, ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts)
bool convertLibrary (Library &obj, const std::string &path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts)
bool convertStateSet (StateSet &obj, const std::string &path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts)
void * loadMulti (const std::string &path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts)
void saveStateSet (const MaterialMap &matmap, const std::string &path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
 saves all isotopics in a MaterialMap to an FT71 (StateSet) More...
void saveStateSet (size_t pstart, size_t pend, const MaterialMap &matmap, const std::string &path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
void saveLibraries (size_t pstart, size_t pend, const MaterialMap &matmap, const std::string &pathfmt, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
void setAppVersionWrite (bof::BOFWriter &writer, ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts, const std::string &name)
std::string stringifySublib (int sublib)
std::string stringifyNuclide (int id, std::string idform)
 idform can include various symbols to be substituted More...
void populateLossXsValues (DoubleList *times, DoubleList *responseValues, const Library &obj, const int nind)
void populateNuclideResource_StdComp (NuclideResource *nr, const ScaleData::StdComp &stdcomp)
 populate a nuclide resource (in place) from a ScaleData::StdComp object More...
std::map< int, double > construct_neutron_yields_map (const Library &x, int pos)
std::map< int, double > construct_neutron_prod_map (const Library &x, int pos)
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, double > construct_coeff_map (const Library &x, int pos)
void populateLibraryToxicity_DecayResource (Library *lib, const DecayResource &dr)
 populate a library with toxicity factors from a decay resource More...
void populateLibraryAbundance (Library *lib, const ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts)
 populate a library with abundances from a nuclide resource More...
void populateLibraryAbundance_NuclideResource (Library *lib, const NuclideResource &nr)
 populate a library with abundances from a nuclide resource More...
void populateLibraryMass_NuclideResource (Library *lib, const NuclideResource &nr)
 populate a library with mass from a nuclide resource More...
void populateLibraryDecayEnergy_DecayResource (Library *lib, const DecayResource &dr)
 populate decay energy More...
void populateCurrentTimes (int *year, int *month, int *day)
void populateLibraryHeader_YieldResource (LibraryHeader *lh, const Vec_Int &sizzzaaa_list, const YieldResource &yr, Vec_Int *fissionable_ids)
void populateFissionables (Vec_Int *fissionable_ids, const Vec_Int &sizzzaaa_list, const Vec_Int &transition_ids, const Vec_Int &parent_positions)
void populateMass_ids (std::vector< float > *masses, const std::vector< int > &sizzzaaa_list)
 grabs the masses to use for each nuclide (mass number, A) More...
template<typename DirectYields_t >
std::map< int, CrossSection1d * > collect_direct_yields (int izzzaaa, LibraryNuclide *ampx_nuclide, const DirectYields_t &direct_yields)
void populateReactionResource_AmpxLibrary (ReactionResource *rr, const AmpxLibrary &ampx)
void populateEnergyBounds_AmpxLibrary (Vec_Flt *bounds, const AmpxLibrary &ampx)
void populateVec_CrossSection1d (Vec_Flt *vec, const CrossSection1d &xs1d)
void populateFlux_AmpxLibrary (Vec_Flt *flux, const AmpxLibrary &ampx, int mix_id, int flux_nuclide_id, int flux_mt)
void populateLibraryMass (Library *lib, const ScaleUtils::IO::DB &opts)
void populateObiwan_dataType (ScaleUtils::IO::DB *base, const std::string &type)
void populateXs_CrossSection1d (Vec_Flt *xs, const CrossSection1d &xs1d)
void printReactionTransitions (const LibraryHeader &lh, const TransitionStructure &tm, bool output_zeros, const std::string &idform, std::ostream &stream)
 prints reaction transitions on a library More...
void printReactionTransitions (const Library &lib, bool output_zeros, const std::string &idform, std::ostream &stream)
 prints reaction transitions on a library More...
void printDecayTable (const DecayResource &dr, std::ostream &stream)
 prints all decay info on the library More...
void printInterpolatedYields (const YieldResource &yr, const int id, const double energy, const int interp, std::ostream &stream)
void printYields (const YieldResource &yr, std::ostream &os)
void printYieldEnergies (const YieldResource &yr, std::ostream &os)
void printIdTags_json (const Library &lib, std::ostream &os)
void printInterpTags_json (const Library &lib, std::ostream &os)
void printTags_json (const Library &lib, const std::string &file, std::ostream &os)
void printTable (bool transpose, Table2D *table, std::ostream &os)
void printNuclideInfo (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, bool transpose, const std::string &idform, int prec, std::ostream &os)
void printBurnups (const Library &lib, bool transpose, int prec, std::ostream &os)
void printFissionXs (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, bool transpose, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, std::ostream &os)
void printLossXs (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, bool transpose, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, std::ostream &os)
void printTransitionCoeff (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, int tid, bool transpose, bool output_zeros, double flux, bool output_transition_ids, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, std::ostream &os)
void printConcentrations_csv (const StateSet &f71, ConcentrationUnit concUnit, SP_Library library, const std::string &idform, std::ostream &os)
std::string createContentString (const State &state)
void printStateInfo (const StateSet &state_set, int start_position, std::ostream &os)
 prints information describing the state_set More...
void printTags_json (const StateSet &state_set, std::ostream &os)
 prints information describing the state_set More...
void printNeutronProductionRatio (const Library &x, int pos, std::ostream &os)
void printNeutronYields (const Library &x, int pos, std::ostream &os)
void printTimingReport (std::ostream &os)
void printTransitionSystemXs (const TransitionSystem &ts, std::ostream &os)
void printEnergyResource (const EnergyResource &re, std::ostream &os)
void printConcentrations_csv (const StateSet &f71, ConcentrationUnit concUnit, std::shared_ptr< Library > library=nullptr, const std::string &idform="$S$I$ZZZ$AAA", std::ostream &os=std::cout)
template<typename T >
void printLine_csv (std::string id, const std::vector< T > &vals, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
template<typename T >
void printList (const char *name, T *list, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
void printTable (bool transpose, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
void tabulateNuclideLabel (const Vec_Int &ids, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, const std::string &units_row, Table2D *table)
void tabulateInitialNuclideColumns (const Vec_Int &ids, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > getTransitionCoeffList (const Library &lib)
void getPosRange (size_t max_size, int pos, size_t &first_index, size_t &last_index)
void tabulateNuclideInfo (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, Table2D *table)
void tabulateFissionXs (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, Table2D *table)
void tabulateLossXs (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, const std::string &column_name, bool append_column, Table2D *table)
void tabulateLossXs (const LibraryHeader &lh, const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &tcoeff_list, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, const std::string &column_name, bool append_column, Table2D *table)
void tabulateReactionTransitions (const LibraryHeader &lh, const TransitionStructure &tm, bool output_zeros, const std::string &idform, Table2D *table)
void tabulateTransitionCoeff (const LibraryHeader &lh, const TransitionStructure &tm, const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &tcoeff_list, int sizzzaaa, int tid, bool output_zeros, double flux, bool output_transition_ids, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, Table2D *table)
void tabulateTransitionCoeff (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, int tid, bool output_zeros, double flux, bool output_transition_ids, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, Table2D *table)
void tabulateBurnups (const Library &lib, int prec, Table2D *table)
void tabulateMaterialIsotopics (const Material &mat, size_t point, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, SCP_Vec_Int &base_ids)
void tabulateMaterialTransitionRates (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, SCP_TransitionStructure &base_tstruct)
void tabulateMaterialLoss (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, bool &append, int type)
void tabulateMaterialLossXs (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, bool &append)
void tabulateMaterialLossRate (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, bool &append)
void tabulateMaterialDecayConstant (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, bool &append)
void tabulateMaterialFission (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, bool &append, int type)
void tabulateMaterialFissionXs (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, bool &append)
void tabulateMaterialFissionRate (const Material &mat, size_t step, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table, bool &append)
void tabulateNuclideLabel (const LibraryHeader &lh, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, const std::string &units_row, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateNuclideInfo (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateFissionXs (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateLossXs (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, const std::string &column_name, bool append_column, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateLossXs (const LibraryHeader &lh, const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &tcoeff_list, int sizzzaaa, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, const std::string &column_name, bool append_column, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateTransitionCoeff (const Library &lib, int sizzzaaa, int tid, bool output_zeros, double flux, bool transition_ids, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateTransitionCoeff (const LibraryHeader &lh, const TransitionStructure &tm, const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &tcoeff_list, int sizzzaaa, int tid, bool output_zeros, double flux, bool transition_ids, const std::string &idform, int prec, int pos, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateBurnups (const Library &lib, int prec, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
void tabulateReactionTransitions (const LibraryHeader &lh, const TransitionStructure &tm, bool output_zeros, const std::string &idform, ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *table)
DecayResourceloadDecayResource (const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
bool saveDecayResource (const DecayResource &obj, const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
GammaResourceloadGammaResource (const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
bool saveGammaResource (const GammaResource &obj, const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
double guess_last_bin_energy (size_t nc, Vec_Dbl &e, size_t next)
LibraryloadLibrary (const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
bool saveLibrary (const Library &obj, const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
char endian_selector (const std::string &end)
NuclideResourceloadNuclideResource (const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
bool saveNuclideResource (const NuclideResource &obj, const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
ReactionResourceloadReactionResource (const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
bool saveReactionResource (const ReactionResource &obj, const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
StateSetloadStateSet (const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
bool saveStateSet (const StateSet &obj, const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
YieldResourceloadYieldResource (const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
bool saveYieldResource (const YieldResource &obj, const Str path, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts)
std::string _to_id_string (int id)
void defaultNuclideResource (Origen::NuclideResource *nr)
 add default contents to a nuclide resource More...
void get_default_kappas (const std::vector< int > &sizzzaaa_list, std::vector< float > &kappa_capture, std::vector< float > &kappa_fission)
bool id_matches (SP_Transition transition, int product_id)
std::string yield_type_name (const YieldType yt)
ScaleUtils::IO::DB baseOptions (Standard::CommandLine &cmd)
int info (const StateSet &state_set, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
int info (const Library &lib, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
int info (const DecayResource &dr, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
int info (const YieldResource &yr, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
static ScaleUtils::IO::DB baseOptions ()
std::string splash ()
std::string random_line (std::string mode)
std::string help ()
int obiwan_main (Vec_Str args, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
int obiwan_main (int argc, char **argv, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
std::string applyPatch (SP_Library fromLib, IntegerList *coeffPosList, const std::string &coeffData, SP_Library lib, int pos)
static ScaleUtils::IO::DB baseOptions ()
int view (const Origen::Library &lib, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
int view (const StateSet &state_set, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
int view (const DecayResource &decay_resource, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
int view (const YieldResource &yield_resource, ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts, std::ostream &out, std::ostream &err)
const char * version ()
const char * config (const char *field="")
std::string doIndent (int indent)
std::string toYesNo (bool yes_no)
void setup_search_variables (const std::vector< NuclideId > &in_sizzzaaa_list, std::map< NuclideId, size_t > &nind_lookup)
bool check_sizes (size_t total_nuclides, size_t total_transitions, std::vector< int > &num_decay_parents, std::vector< int > &num_parents, std::vector< int > &parent_positions, std::vector< int > &transition_ids, std::vector< double > &transition_coeff)
template<typename T >
void vector_copy (size_t nelem, size_t start, const std::vector< T > *old_list, std::vector< T > &new_list)
template<typename T >
void shrink_to_fit (std::vector< T > &x)
double calculate_neutron_production_xs (SP_Nuclide residual)
template<typename TS_t , typename DirectYields_t >
std::map< int, std::pair< CrossSection1d *, SP_Transition > > collect_direct_yields (SP_Field neutron_field, SP_Nuclide nuclide, int izzzaaa, TS_t ts, LibraryNuclide *ampx_nuclide, const DirectYields_t &direct_yields)


const int TIME_S = 1
const int TIME_M = 2
const int TIME_H = 3
const int TIME_D = 4
const int TIME_Y = 5
const double EMIN = 1e-99
const double EMAX = 1e+99
const double ETOL = 1e-11
const double ERR = 1.0e-44
const int BAD_INT = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
const double BAD_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
const float BAD_FLOAT = std::numeric_limits<float>::max()
const size_t BAD_SIZE_T = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2 - 1
const double YIELD_TOLERANCE = 100 * std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
const double MAXIMUM_MASSNUMBER_LOST = 0.3
const double MAXIMUM_MASS_LOST = 0.01
const double MAXIMUM_ZZZAAA_LOST = 0.5
const double NUCLEON_TOLERANCE = 1e-6
const double NEUTRON_MASS = 1.00866491600
const double PROTON_MASS = 1.007276466812
const double ELECTRON_MASS = 5.4857990946e-4
const double DEUTERON_MASS = 2.013553212712
const double TRITON_MASS = 3.0155007134
const double HELION_MASS = 3.0149322468
const double ALPHA_MASS = 4.001506179125
const double POSITRON_MASS = 5.4857990946e-4
const double NEUTRINO_MASS = 1e-20
const double NULL_MASS = 0.0
const int SUBLIB_1LT = 1
const int SUBLIB_2AC = 2
const int SUBLIB_3FP = 3
const int SUBLIB_4U1 = 4
const int SUBLIB_5U2 = 5
const int SUBLIB_6U3 = 6
const int SUBLIB_7U4 = 7
const int SUBLIB_8TA = 8
const int SUBLIB_9BY = 9
const FieldId NULL_FIELD = 0
 field numbers used when accessing fields by FieldId More...
const FieldId NEUTRON_FIELD = 1
const FieldId PROTON_FIELD = 2
const FieldId DEUTERON_FIELD = 3
const FieldId TRITON_FIELD = 4
const FieldId HELION_FIELD = 5
const FieldId ALPHA_FIELD = 6
const FieldId ELECTRON_FIELD = 7
const FieldId POSITRON_FIELD = 8
const FieldId PHOTON_FIELD = 9
const FieldId NEUTRINO_FIELD = 10
 byproduct ids used when accessing byproducts by ByproductId More...
const ByproductId NEUTRON_BYPRODUCT_ID = 1
const ByproductId PROTON_BYPRODUCT_ID = 1001
const ByproductId DEUTERON_BYPRODUCT_ID = 1002
const ByproductId TRITON_BYPRODUCT_ID = 1003
const ByproductId HELION_BYPRODUCT_ID = 2003
const ByproductId ALPHA_BYPRODUCT_ID = 2004
const ByproductId ELECTRON_BYPRODUCT_ID = -1000
const ByproductId POSITRON_BYPRODUCT_ID = 1000
const ByproductId NEUTRINO_BYPRODUCT_ID = 0
 mass numbers More...
const int PROTON_MASS_NUMBER = 1
const int TRITON_MASS_NUMBER = 3
const int HELION_MASS_NUMBER = 3
const int ALPHA_MASS_NUMBER = 4
const int NULL_MASS_NUMBER = 0
 charge/atomic numbers More...
const int NULL_CHARGE_NUMBER = 0
static const int INTERP_PREFERRED = 0
static const int INTERP_HISTOGRAM = 1
static const int INTERP_LINLIN = 2
static const int INTERP_LINLOG = 3
static const int INTERP_LOGLIN = 4
static const int INTERP_LOGLOG = 5

Detailed Description

This description has been copied from the SCALE 6.1 Manual, pg. F7.A.1, the section titled "F7.A. DESCRIPTION OF CONCENTRATION BINARY FILES". Only minor formatting adjustments have been made.

The concentrations, in units gram-atoms, of all the ORIGEN-S nuclides may be saved to the binary file associated with unit NXTR, by applying the unit number input in the 0$ data or the default of 71 (which makes the file named ft71f001). These concentrations may be read in a subsequent run to define the initial concentrations for a restart case. The input descriptions in Sects. F7.6.3 and F7.6.4 have details of using NXCMP in the 56$ data to apply input from NXTR or using MOUT and MSUB in the 56$ data to save concentrations and spectral data at requested time steps on unit NXTR. There are other uses of unit NXTR, related to creating certain photon libraries, that should not be applied if concentrations are wanted. All of the data associated with a given time step are saved in two binary records. The position of each of these pair of records is dependent upon the order in which the time step is saved. If data at a given position are read from NXTR (e.g., restart case), the first subsequent time step saved will be located in the next position after that of the input time step record. It is recommended that the user copy the file before using it, particularly if data following that input needs to be saved and is to be written over. At the end of a job in which data are saved in NXTR, the first record of the pair described above is written again with the first variable set to zero, making a termination record. The remaining variables are not used. Also, arrays pertaining to spectral data that were not requested by the input would have meaningless data and should not be used. The first record, in the pair discussed above, is always written with the same set of variables. The three Fortran 90 write statements are as follows:

!Record Type 1
write (unit=n96) itxx, ilite, iact, ifp, nrflag, msub1, nstepo, &
kasepo, jobpos, nocs, noblnd, ndset, ntype, ngrp, nelem, &
nvert, ng, mmn, mout, index, mstar, nunit, kblend, nenle, &
nenac, nenfp, l1, l2, l3, l4, tmo, fracpw, tconst, tunit, &
twrite, pwrite, fwrite
!Record Type 2
write (unit=n96) (nucl(i),i=1,itot), (x(msub1,j),j=1,itot), &
title, basis, (egamle(i1),i1=1,n1), (egamac(i2),i2=1,n2), &
(egamfp(i3),i3=1,n3), (specle(i4,msub),i4=1,l1), &
(specac(i5,msub),i5=1,l2), (specfp(i6,msub),i6=1,l3), &
(ener(i7),i7=1,n4), (dsav(i8,msub),i8=1,ng), &
(esav(i9,msub),i9=1,ng), (itsav(i10,msub),i10=1,20), &
(spnnuc(i11,msub),i11=1,l4),(alpnuc(i12,msub),i12=1,l4), &
(spneut(i13,msub),i13=1,ngrp), & (specan(i14,msub),i14=1,ngrp), &


n2 = nenac + 1
n3 = nenfp + 1
n4 = ng + 1
n5 = ngrp + 1

The variable and array descriptions below indicate the position of the listed variable, the variable name, the size of an array or a character variable, and the variable‘s definition or meaning. The first record contains only integers, except for one character variable, TUNIT. Most of the values are sizes of libraries, spectrum energy-group sizes, or other array sizes. Some values indicate the data position in the file. Some are code flags or triggers used in specifying data. The second type of record contains only arrays, either numerical or character types, where the sizes are either given or readily obtained (e.g., by adding one) from the first record values. The spectra energy-group structures are in ascending order. The gamma spectra may pertain to all nuclides in the problem, or a subset of nuclides (e.g., actinides only) as determined from the case input description used to generate the spectra.

The first record description follows.

Record Type 1

  • ITXX total number of nuclides or '0' to signal an end-of-file
  • ILITE number of nuclides in light element library - 0 if not using
  • IACT number of nuclides in actinide library - 0 if not using
  • IFP number of nuclides in fission product library - 0 if not using
  • NRFLAG flag that determines position numbers for data set to be saved
  • MSUB1 time step number of the data to be saved
  • NSTEPO position of requested data in concentration file
  • KASEPO position of the requested case in the concentration file
  • JOBPOS position in the file of the job containing the requested data
  • NOCS case number in the case containing the requested data
  • NOBLND 0/1/N – job termination/no blending/N streams blended
  • NDSET nuclear data library unit number
  • NTYPE the type of library on NDSET, 0/>0 card-image/binary library
  • NGRP the number of neutron energy groups
  • NELEM maximum atomic number of nuclides in library
  • NVERT -N/0/N – request integral option and writing N/not wanted/reading N
  • NG the number of photon energy groups in the master photon library
  • MMN number of irradiation time-step intervals in a case
  • MOUT controls writing concentrations on unit NXTR If MOUT=0 and MSUB=m, concentration for time step m is written If MOUT=-N and MSUB>= 0, concentrations for time steps MSUB through N, inclusive, are written
  • INDEX 0/1 – power read in 58* array/flux read in 59* array
  • MSTAR time step at which concentration print cutoffs are applied
  • NUNIT 1/2/3/4/5/6 – time (in 60*) units s/min/h/d/y/other
  • KBLEND time-step number indicating when blending is to occur
  • NENLE number of groups in light element photon library
  • NENAC number of groups in actinide photon library
  • NENFP number of groups in fission product photon library
  • L1 max0(1, NENLE)
  • L2 max0(1, NENAC)
  • L3 max0(1, NANFP)
  • L4 max0(1, IACT)
  • TMO time at start of first time step
  • FRACPW ratio of case irradiation time to total case irradiation time
  • TCONST If NUNIT=6, number of seconds in the special time unit.
  • TUNIT time unit printed in output (4-character variable)
  • TWRITE value of time-step accumulative time of concentrations written in file
  • PWRITE value of time-step power of concentrations written in file
  • FWRITE value of time-step flux of concentrations written in the file

Record Type 2

  • NUCL(ITXX) ITXX values of nuclide IDs as ZAS (Z=atomic number, A=mass number, S=metastable state, S=0 for ground state) X(ITXX) ITXX values of gram-atom concentrations, at step requested MSUB TITLE(20) 80-character title for this case if NTI=1 or 3 BASIS(10) 40-character title for basis of calculation - may be blank if NTI=2 or 3 EGAMLE(NENLE+1) Gamma group boundaries for light elements EGAMAC(NENAC +1) Gamma group boundaries for actinides EGAMFP(NENFP +1) Gamma group boundaries for fission products SPECLE(L1) L1 values of gamma source spectrum for light elements in photons/s SPECAC(L2) L2 values of gamma source spectrum for actinides in photons/s SPECFP(L3) L3 values of gamma source spectrum for fission products in photons/s ENER(NG+1) NG +1 values of gamma energy group boundaries on master photon library DSAV(NG) NG values of master photon spectrum in photons/s ESAV(NG) NG values of master photon spectrum in MeV/s ITSAV(20) 80-character photon spectrum title SPNNUC(L4) L4 values of spontaneous fission neutron source in neutrons/s ALPNUC(L4) L4 values of actinide nuclide (α,n) source in neutrons/s SPNEUT(NGRP) NGRP values of total neutron spectrum in neutrons/s SPECAN(NGRP) NGRP values of (α,n) spectrum in neutrons/s SPECSP(NGRP) NGRP values of spontaneous fission neutron spectrum in neutrons/s ENEUTS(NGRP+1) NGRP+1 Neutron energy-group boundaries

For each time step, ORIGEN writes one of each of these record types.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<double, double> Line
typedef std::set<Line, std::greater<Line> > Set_Line
typedef Quantity<Unitless> U
typedef std::shared_ptr<DoubleList> SP_DoubleList
typedef std::shared_ptr<TrMatrix> SP_TrMatrix
typedef std::deque<SP_TrMatrix> Deq_TrMatrix
typedef std::deque<SP_DoubleList> Deq_Amt
typedef std::deque<Removal::SP> Deq_Removal
typedef std::shared_ptr<MaterialBuffer> SP_MaterialBuffer
typedef std::shared_ptr<Material> SP_Material
exNEAMS.cpp, and tstMaterial.cpp.
typedef std::shared_ptr<MaterialMap> SP_MaterialMap
typedef std::pair<double, double> Pair_TB
typedef std::pair<Pair_TB, SCP_AlphaSpectra> Pair_ASpectra
typedef std::pair<Pair_TB, SCP_BetaSpectra> Pair_BSpectra
typedef std::pair<Pair_TB, SCP_GammaSpectra> Pair_GSpectra
typedef std::pair<Pair_TB, SCP_Concentrations> Pair_Concs
typedef std::vector<Pair_NSpectra> Vec_Pair_NSpectra
typedef std::vector<Pair_ASpectra> Vec_Pair_ASpectra
typedef std::vector<Pair_BSpectra> Vec_Pair_BSpectra
typedef std::vector<Pair_GSpectra> Vec_Pair_GSpectra
typedef std::vector<Pair_Concs> Vec_Pair_Concs
typedef std::vector<SP_State> Vec_SP_State
typedef std::shared_ptr<Vec_SP_State> SP_Vec_SP_State
typedef std::shared_ptr<Diff> SP_Diff
typedef std::shared_ptr<STab1> SP_STab1

smart pointer

typedef std::map<int, int> FPMap_t
typedef std::map<int, int> ParentMap_t
typedef std::shared_ptr<YieldResource> SP_YieldResource
typedef std::shared_ptr<Species> SP_Species
typedef std::shared_ptr<Field> SP_Field
typedef std::shared_ptr<ChannelType> SP_ChannelType
typedef std::shared_ptr<Channel> SP_Channel
typedef std::shared_ptr<Nuclide> SP_Nuclide
typedef std::shared_ptr<Transition> SP_Transition
typedef Species* WP_Species
typedef Field* WP_Field
typedef Channel* WP_Channel
typedef Nuclide* WP_Nuclide
typedef const Species* CWP_Species
typedef const Field* CWP_Field
typedef const ChannelType* CWP_ChannelType
typedef const Channel* CWP_Channel
typedef const Nuclide* CWP_Nuclide
typedef const Transition* CWP_Transition
typedef std::map<ByproductId, int> ByproductCount_t
typedef std::shared_ptr<CompManager> SP_CompManager
typedef std::shared_ptr<MultiZoneDepleter> SP_MultiZoneDepleter
typedef std::shared_ptr<Solver> SP_Solver
typedef std::shared_ptr<const Solver> SCP_Solver
typedef std::shared_ptr<Solver_Fake> SP_Solver_Fake
typedef std::vector<Transition::WP> Vec_Trans
typedef ScaleData::MGFluxMapper<float> MGFluxMapper
typedef std::shared_ptr<MGFluxMapper> SP_MGFluxMapper
typedef std::shared_ptr<SolverSelector> SP_SolverSelector
typedef std::shared_ptr<const SolverSelector> SCP_SolverSelector

Enumeration Type Documentation


not given – invalid state (or not set)


Gram atoms, gram-atomic weights or moles.




Mass, grams.


Radioactivity, Ci.


total capture reaction rate


(total capture - fission) reaction rate


fission reaction rate


Toxicity, cubic meters of air to dilute to RCG_a.


Atom % of element. Isotopic atom percents of all elements.


Radioactivity, Bq.


Gamma-ray thermal power, watts.


Gamma-ray thermal power, MeV.


Partial density, grams/cubic cm.


Toxicity, cubic meters of water to dilute to RCG_w.


Mass, kilograms.


Weight % of element. Isotopic weight percents of all elements.


Total thermal power, watts.


Total thermal power, MeVs.


Spectra particles per second.


Photon spectra intensity photons per second MeV.


Photon spectra energy intensity in MeV per second*MeV.


Mole unit.


cm^2/barn unit.


weight fraction in ppm (*1e6)


atom fraction in ppm (*1e6)


Always add new ones before this.

enum YieldType

Function Documentation

int unitAsInt ( const ConcentrationUnit unit)

Obtain the integer enumeration for the given origen f71 concentration

unit- the concentration unit (GATOMS,ATOMS_B_CM,GRAMS,CURIES)
the f71 integer enumeration


Referenced by TEST(), StateSetIO_s62b::write(), and StateSetIO_bof::write().

ConcentrationUnit intAsUnit ( const int &  unit)

Obtain the concentration enumeration for the given origen f71 int concentration

unit- the int f71 unit enumeration (0,1,2,3)
the f71 concentration enumeration (GATOMS,ATOMS_B_CM,GRAMS,CURIES)


Referenced by StateSetIO_bof::read(), StateSetIO_s62b::read(), and TEST().

bool isSpectrumUnit ( ConcentrationUnit  unit)
bool isReactionUnit ( ConcentrationUnit  unit)
bool isVolumetric ( ConcentrationUnit  unit)
bool needsVolumeToConvert ( ConcentrationUnit  unita,
ConcentrationUnit  unitb 
double Origen::Energy::base< Energy::JOULE > ( )
double Origen::Energy::base< Energy::EV > ( )
double Origen::Energy::base< Energy::KWH > ( )
double Origen::Energy::base< Energy::MWD > ( )
double Origen::Energy::base< Energy::GWD > ( )
double Origen::Energy::base< Energy::GWYR > ( )
std::string Origen::Energy::name< Energy::JOULE > ( )
std::string Origen::Energy::name< Energy::EV > ( )
std::string Origen::Energy::name< Energy::KWH > ( )
std::string Origen::Energy::name< Energy::MWD > ( )
std::string Origen::Energy::name< Energy::GWD > ( )
std::string Origen::Energy::name< Energy::GWYR > ( )
Vec_Int Origen::create_zzzaaai_seq1 ( size_t  total_nuclides)
NuclideSet Origen::createNuclideSet_random1 ( )
Vec_Int Origen::createNuclideIds5 ( )

Referenced by TEST().

Vec_Int Origen::createNuclideIds6 ( )

Referenced by TEST().

double Origen::Unitless::base< Unitless::ONE > ( )
std::string Origen::Unitless::name< Unitless::ONE > ( )
double Origen::integrate_history ( const Vec_Dbl scaling,
const Material::History_t hist 
std::string Origen::h2string ( const Material::History_t hist)

Referenced by Material::to_string().

double Origen::Power::base< Power::WATT > ( )
std::string Origen::Power::name< Power::WATT > ( )
void SerialRegistrar ( Standard::SerialFactory *  factory)

Registrar for serializable objects.

Standard::SerialFactory* factory - the factory to which Library objects are registered

Referenced by TEST_F().

std::vector< implicitTag > checkImplicitTags ( const std::vector< TagManager > &  tagManList,
const TagManager tm 

Function to check the tag managers from a set of TagManagers (e.g., from a set of Library objects) to enssure that they have all of the tags requested in a reference TagManager. Then checks to see if the libraries have any other interpolable tags. If so, these are collected along with all of the values for that tag on all of the TagManagers and returned.

tagManListList of all of the tag managers in question.
tmReference TagManager.
List of implicitTag structures, which contains the name and a vector of values corresponding to that tag name from all of the libraries.

References TagManager::compare(), TagManager::hasTag(), implicitTag::name, and implicitTag::values.

Referenced by interpLibraryND().

void addImpliedTags ( const std::vector< implicitTag > &  tagSpans,
TagManager tm,
Vec_Str dimNames 

Function to add unspecified interpolable tags to a reference tag manager with the average value of that tag over all libraries provided.

tagSpansList of implicitTag structure which contains the name of a tag and all of the values that tag has on all of the libraries in use.
tmReference TagManager to which the implied tags will be added.

References TagManager::setInterpTag().

Referenced by interpLibraryND().

std::string parseTags ( const std::string &  str,
Vec_Str tags,
Vec_Str values,
Vec_Bool modify 

parse the command line argument that has tags of the form tag1,tag2=,tag3=val3,... convenient for use with TagManager

Referenced by Obiwan_interp::populate(), and Obiwan_tag::populate().

double Origen::Time::base< Time::SECONDS > ( )
double Origen::Time::base< Time::MINUTES > ( )
double Origen::Time::base< Time::HOURS > ( )
double Origen::Time::base< Time::DAYS > ( )
double Origen::Time::base< Time::YEARS > ( )
std::string Origen::Time::name< Time::SECONDS > ( )
std::string Origen::Time::name< Time::MINUTES > ( )
std::string Origen::Time::name< Time::HOURS > ( )
std::string Origen::Time::name< Time::DAYS > ( )

References Time::base().

std::string Origen::Time::name< Time::YEARS > ( )
bool Origen::nuclide_in_bounds ( const int  n,
const int  ntotal 
bool Origen::only_set_component ( const int  mt_in)
void Origen::toQString_tinds_2d ( const IntegerList &  nind_list,
const IntegerList &  transition_ids,
const Integer2dList &  tinds_2d 
void read ( const bof::BOFObject &  obj,
std::string  name,
TagManager tag_manager 

read a tag manager from a bof object

read TagManager from named BOF sub-object

References read().

void write ( bof::BOFObject &  obj,
const TagManager tag_manager 
void read ( const bof::BOFObject &  obj,
std::string  name,
StateInfo states_info 

read state info from a bof object

read StateInfo from named BOF sub-object

References read().

void write ( bof::BOFObject &  obj,
std::string  name,
const StateInfo states_info 

write state info to a bof object

write StateInfo to named BOF sub-object

References write().

void write ( bof::BOFObject &  obj,
const StateInfo states_info 
SP_Diff diffLibrary ( const Library a,
const Library b,
int  pos,
double  reltol 
std::string diffConcentrations ( const Concentrations a,
const Concentrations b,
double  reltol 
std::string diffLine ( const std::string &  head,
const T val1,
const T val2,
float  tol = 1.0e-5 

Referenced by Obiwan_diff::diff().

std::string diffHalfLine ( const std::string &  head,
const T val,
const int &  side 

Referenced by Obiwan_diff::diff().

void graphvizLibrary ( const Library lib,
int  pos,
std::ostream &  os 

Referenced by view().

void graphvizLibrary ( const Library lib,
int  pos,
const std::vector< double > *  numden,
const NuclideGroupFilter nfilter,
const TransitionGroupFilter tfilter,
bool  include_byproducts,
std::ostream &  os 
std::vector< TagManager > selectLibraries ( const std::vector< TagManager > &  tmList,
const TagManager tmRef 

Function to take a wide selection of Origen Libraries in memory and only return those that have the ID and Interp tags requested in the provided TagManager. Then checks to make sure the ID tag values match.

libList- List of Origen Library TagManagers that contain a subset that match the tags contained in the SP_TagManager tm.
tm- TagManager containing the ID tags for the type of Libraries that are desired and interp tags with values for the new Library that will be generated using the ND_LibInterp. This function does NOT check the values of the interp tags

Referenced by Obiwan_interp::execute(), and TEST().

std::vector< SCP_Library > selectLibraries ( const std::vector< SCP_Library > &  libList,
const TagManager tmRef 

Function to take a wide selection of Origen Libraries in memory and only return those that have the ID and Interp tags requested in the provided TagManager. Then checks to make sure the ID tag values match.

libList Set of Origen Library objects containing a subset that have TagManager objects with tags that match the tags in tm

tm- TagManager containing the ID tags for the type of Libraries that are desired and interp tags with values for the new Library that will be generated using the ND_LibInterp. This function does NOT check the values of the interp tags
std::vector< SP_TagManager > collectLibraries ( const std::vector< std::string > &  lib_names)

Function that accepts names of Origen library files on disk which can be full paths if necessary.

lib_names-vector of strings giving the library file names as a relative or absolute path.
Vector of SP_TagManager objects from all of the libraries in lib_names with a new ID tag with name "Filename" and value of the string from lib_names.

References loadMulti(), and TagManager::setIdTag().

Referenced by collectLibrariesParallel(), and TEST().

std::vector< SP_TagManager > collectLibrariesParallel ( const std::vector< std::string > &  lib_names)

Function that accepts names of Origen library files on disk which can be full paths if necessary.

lib_names-ector of strings giving the library file names as a relative or absolute path.
Vector of SP_TagManager objects from all of the libraries in lib_names with a new ID tag with name "Filename" and value of the string from lib_names.

References collectLibraries().

Referenced by TEST().

bool Origen::setbuLibrary ( Library obj,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB &  opts 
bool convertLibrary ( Library obj,
const std::string &  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB &  opts 
bool convertStateSet ( StateSet obj,
const std::string &  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB &  opts 

References saveStateSet().

Referenced by Obiwan_convert::execute().

void saveStateSet ( const MaterialMap matmap,
const std::string &  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 

saves all isotopics in a MaterialMap to an FT71 (StateSet)

tstio.cpp, tstObiwan.cpp, and tstStateSetIO.cpp.

References BAD_SIZE_T.

Referenced by convertStateSet(), TEST(), and TEST_F().

void saveStateSet ( size_t  pstart,
size_t  pend,
const MaterialMap matmap,
const std::string &  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 

saves a range of isotopics in a MaterialMap to an FT71 (StateSet) Isotopics from time points p satisfying pstart<=p<=pend are saved. Consider isotopics data at 5 time points.

p=0   1   2   3   4
  |   |   |   |   |

To ask for a dump of p=2,3,4 isotopics, supply pstart=2,pend=4 and the

  • time points below will be dumped.

    p=0 1 2 3 4 | | * * *

References BAD_SIZE_T, Material::flux_over(), Material::get_concs_at(), Material::library(), Material::name(), Material::ntimes(), Material::power_over(), StateInfo::set_case_number(), State::set_concs(), State::set_definition(), StateInfo::set_flux(), StateInfo::set_library_position(), Concentrations::set_nuclide_set(), StateInfo::set_power(), StateInfo::set_step_number(), StateInfo::set_tag_manager(), StateInfo::set_time(), TagManager::setIdTag(), and Material::time_at().

void saveLibraries ( size_t  pstart,
size_t  pend,
const MaterialMap matmap,
const std::string &  pathfmt,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 

saves a range of transition data in a MaterialMap to an FT33 (Library)

Data from time intervals satisfying pstart<=i<pend are saved, pstart and pend are the starting and ending time points, and i is the time interval. Consider data with 5 time points and therefore 4 intervals.

p=0   1   2   3   4
  |   |   |   |   |
  i=0   1   2   3

To ask for a dump of interval i=2,3 data, you would supply pstart=2,pend=4 and the * intervals below will be dumped.

p=0   1   2   3   4
  |   |   | * | * |
  i=0   1   2   3

Note that transition data is calculated as an average over an interval so that for any data to be dumped, one must have pstart<pend.

Unlike saveStateSet, saveLibraries outputs a file for each material individually. The pathfmt argument allows substitution of both the Material::name() and Material::id(). The path is written using: std::string path=findAndReplace(pathfmt,"$name",mat.name()); if( path.find("%")!=std::string::npos ){ path=nprintf(path.c_str(),mat.id()); }

References BAD_SIZE_T, Material::library(), Material::name(), Material::ntimes(), Library::resize_transition_coeff(), and Material::transition_matrix_over().

void setAppVersionWrite ( bof::BOFWriter &  writer,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB &  opts,
const std::string &  name 

References version().

Referenced by LibraryIO_bof::write(), and StateSetIO_bof::write().

std::string Origen::stringifySublib ( int  sublib)
std::string stringifyNuclide ( int  id,
std::string  idform 
void populateLossXsValues ( DoubleList *  times,
DoubleList *  responseValues,
const Library obj,
const int  nind 
void populateNuclideResource_StdComp ( Origen::NuclideResource nr,
const ScaleData::StdComp &  stdcomp 

populate a nuclide resource (in place) from a ScaleData::StdComp object

References NuclideResource::Properties::abundance_num, NuclideResource::Properties::abundance_wt, NuclideResource::Properties::mass, and NuclideResource::parent_map.

Referenced by defaultNuclideResource().

std::map< int, double > construct_neutron_yields_map ( const Library x,
int  pos 
void populateLibraryToxicity_DecayResource ( Library lib,
const DecayResource dr 
void populateLibraryAbundance ( Library lib,
const ScaleUtils::IO::DB &  opts 
void populateLibraryMass_NuclideResource ( Library lib,
const NuclideResource nr 

populate a library with mass from a nuclide resource

populate a library with masses from a nuclide resource

References Library::decay_data(), Library::definition(), NuclideSet::izzzaaa_at(), NuclideResource::mass(), LibraryHeader::nuclide_set(), Library::set_decay_data(), and NuclideSet::total_nuclides().

Referenced by LibraryBuilder::create_decay_library(), and populateLibraryMass().

void populateCurrentTimes ( int *  year,
int *  month,
int *  day 
void populateLibraryHeader_YieldResource ( LibraryHeader lh,
const Vec_Int sizzzaaa_list,
const YieldResource yr,
Vec_Int fissionable_ids 
void populateFissionables ( Vec_Int fissionable_ids,
const Vec_Int sizzzaaa_list,
const Vec_Int transition_ids,
const Vec_Int parent_positions 
void populateMass_ids ( std::vector< float > *  masses,
const std::vector< int > &  sizzzaaa_list 

grabs the masses to use for each nuclide (mass number, A)

Referenced by populateLibraryMass().

std::map<int, CrossSection1d*> Origen::collect_direct_yields ( int  izzzaaa,
LibraryNuclide *  ampx_nuclide,
const DirectYields_t &  direct_yields 
void populateEnergyBounds_AmpxLibrary ( Vec_Flt bounds,
const AmpxLibrary &  ampx 
void populateVec_CrossSection1d ( Vec_Flt vec,
const CrossSection1d &  xs1d 
void populateFlux_AmpxLibrary ( Vec_Flt flux,
const AmpxLibrary &  ampx,
int  mix_id,
int  flux_nuclide_id,
int  flux_mt 
void populateObiwan_dataType ( ScaleUtils::IO::DB *  base,
const std::string &  type 
void Origen::populateXs_CrossSection1d ( Vec_Flt xs,
const CrossSection1d &  xs1d 
void printReactionTransitions ( const LibraryHeader lh,
const TransitionStructure tm,
bool  output_zeros,
const std::string &  idform,
std::ostream &  stream 

prints reaction transitions on a library

References printTable(), and tabulateReactionTransitions().

Referenced by view().

void printReactionTransitions ( const Library lib,
bool  output_zeros,
const std::string &  idform,
std::ostream &  stream 

prints reaction transitions on a library

References Library::definition(), and Library::transition_structure().

void printInterpolatedYields ( const YieldResource yr,
const int  id,
const double  energy,
const int  interp,
std::ostream &  stream 
void printIdTags_json ( const Library lib,
std::ostream &  os 
void printInterpTags_json ( const Library lib,
std::ostream &  os 
void printTags_json ( const Library lib,
const std::string &  file,
std::ostream &  os 
void Origen::printTable ( bool  transpose,
Table2D *  table,
std::ostream &  os 
void printNuclideInfo ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
bool  transpose,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
std::ostream &  os 

References printTable(), and tabulateNuclideInfo().

Referenced by view().

void printBurnups ( const Library lib,
bool  transpose,
int  prec,
std::ostream &  os 

References printTable(), and tabulateBurnups().

Referenced by view().

void printFissionXs ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
bool  transpose,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
std::ostream &  os 

References printTable(), and tabulateFissionXs().

Referenced by view().

void printLossXs ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
bool  transpose,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
std::ostream &  os 

References printTable(), and tabulateLossXs().

Referenced by view().

void printTransitionCoeff ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
int  tid,
bool  transpose,
bool  output_zeros,
double  flux,
bool  output_transition_ids,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
std::ostream &  os 

References printTable(), and tabulateTransitionCoeff().

Referenced by view().

void printStateInfo ( const StateSet state_set,
int  start_position,
std::ostream &  os 

prints information describing the state_set

References createContentString(), info(), StateSet::scp_states_at(), and StateSet::states_size().

Referenced by c_Origen_printStateInfo(), and view().

void printTags_json ( const StateSet state_set,
std::ostream &  os 

prints information describing the state_set

References info(), StateSet::scp_states_at(), and StateSet::states_size().

void printNeutronProductionRatio ( const Library x,
int  pos,
std::ostream &  os 

References construct_neutron_prod_map().

Referenced by view().

void printNeutronYields ( const Library x,
int  pos,
std::ostream &  os 

References construct_neutron_yields_map().

Referenced by view().

void printTransitionSystemXs ( const TransitionSystem ts,
std::ostream &  os 
void printEnergyResource ( const EnergyResource re,
std::ostream &  os 
void Origen::printConcentrations_csv ( const StateSet f71,
ConcentrationUnit  concUnit,
std::shared_ptr< Library library = nullptr,
const std::string &  idform = "$S$I$ZZZ$AAA",
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
void printLine_csv ( std::string  id,
const std::vector< T > &  vals,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 

Referenced by printConcentrations_csv().

void printList ( const char *  name,
T list,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
void Origen::printTable ( bool  transpose,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
void Origen::tabulateNuclideLabel ( const Vec_Int ids,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
const std::string &  units_row,
Table2D *  table 
void tabulateInitialNuclideColumns ( const Vec_Int ids,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
std::vector<const TransitionCoeff*> Origen::getTransitionCoeffList ( const Library lib)
void Origen::getPosRange ( size_t  max_size,
int  pos,
size_t &  first_index,
size_t &  last_index 
void Origen::tabulateNuclideInfo ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateLossXs ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
const std::string &  column_name,
bool  append_column,
Table2D *  table 

References Library::definition(), and getTransitionCoeffList().

Referenced by printLossXs(), and TEST().

void Origen::tabulateLossXs ( const LibraryHeader lh,
const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &  tcoeff_list,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
const std::string &  column_name,
bool  append_column,
Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateTransitionCoeff ( const LibraryHeader lh,
const TransitionStructure tm,
const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &  tcoeff_list,
int  sizzzaaa,
int  tid,
bool  output_zeros,
double  flux,
bool  output_transition_ids,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateTransitionCoeff ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
int  tid,
bool  output_zeros,
double  flux,
bool  output_transition_ids,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateBurnups ( const Library lib,
int  prec,
Table2D *  table 
void tabulateMaterialIsotopics ( const Material mat,
size_t  point,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
SCP_Vec_Int base_ids 
void tabulateMaterialTransitionRates ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
SCP_TransitionStructure base_tstruct 
void tabulateMaterialLoss ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
bool &  append,
int  type 
void tabulateMaterialLossXs ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
bool &  append 
void tabulateMaterialLossRate ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
bool &  append 

References tabulateMaterialLoss().

Referenced by TEST_F().

void tabulateMaterialDecayConstant ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
bool &  append 
void tabulateMaterialFission ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
bool &  append,
int  type 
void tabulateMaterialFissionXs ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
bool &  append 
void tabulateMaterialFissionRate ( const Material mat,
size_t  step,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table,
bool &  append 

References tabulateMaterialFission().

Referenced by TEST_F().

void Origen::tabulateNuclideLabel ( const LibraryHeader lh,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
const std::string &  units_row,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateNuclideInfo ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateFissionXs ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateLossXs ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
const std::string &  column_name,
bool  append_column,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateLossXs ( const LibraryHeader lh,
const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &  tcoeff_list,
int  sizzzaaa,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
const std::string &  column_name,
bool  append_column,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateTransitionCoeff ( const Library lib,
int  sizzzaaa,
int  tid,
bool  output_zeros,
double  flux,
bool  transition_ids,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateTransitionCoeff ( const LibraryHeader lh,
const TransitionStructure tm,
const std::vector< const TransitionCoeff * > &  tcoeff_list,
int  sizzzaaa,
int  tid,
bool  output_zeros,
double  flux,
bool  transition_ids,
const std::string &  idform,
int  prec,
int  pos,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateBurnups ( const Library lib,
int  prec,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
void Origen::tabulateReactionTransitions ( const LibraryHeader lh,
const TransitionStructure tm,
bool  output_zeros,
const std::string &  idform,
ScaleUtils::IO::Table2D *  table 
DecayResource* Origen::loadDecayResource ( const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
bool Origen::saveDecayResource ( const DecayResource obj,
const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
GammaResource* Origen::loadGammaResource ( const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
bool Origen::saveGammaResource ( const GammaResource obj,
const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
double Origen::guess_last_bin_energy ( size_t  nc,
Vec_Dbl e,
size_t  next 
Library* Origen::loadLibrary ( const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
char Origen::endian_selector ( const std::string &  end)

Referenced by LibraryIO_s61::save().

NuclideResource* Origen::loadNuclideResource ( const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
bool Origen::saveNuclideResource ( const NuclideResource obj,
const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
ReactionResource* Origen::loadReactionResource ( const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
bool Origen::saveReactionResource ( const ReactionResource obj,
const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
StateSet* Origen::loadStateSet ( const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
tstio.cpp, and tstStateSetIO.cpp.

Referenced by loadMulti(), TEST(), TEST_F(), and TEST_P().

bool Origen::saveStateSet ( const StateSet obj,
const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
YieldResource* Origen::loadYieldResource ( const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 
bool Origen::saveYieldResource ( const YieldResource obj,
const Str  path,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts 

Referenced by main(), and Origen::test::TEST().

std::string Origen::_to_id_string ( int  id)

Referenced by DecayResource::to_json().

void defaultNuclideResource ( Origen::NuclideResource nr)
void get_default_kappas ( const std::vector< int > &  sizzzaaa_list,
std::vector< float > &  kappa_capture,
std::vector< float > &  kappa_fission 

grabs the default values for the energy release (MeV) per capture/fission NOTE: fission values are only for sublibrary, s == 2

References EnergyResource::getKappaValues().

Referenced by LibraryIO_bof::read(), LibraryIO_s62b::read(), and LibraryIO_s61::read().

bool Origen::id_matches ( SP_Transition  transition,
int  product_id 
std::string yield_type_name ( const YieldType  yt)
ScaleUtils::IO::DB Origen::baseOptions ( Standard::CommandLine &  cmd)
int Origen::info ( const Library lib,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 
int Origen::info ( const DecayResource dr,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 
int Origen::info ( const YieldResource yr,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 
static ScaleUtils::IO::DB Origen::baseOptions ( )
std::string Origen::splash ( )

Referenced by obiwan_main().

std::string Origen::random_line ( std::string  mode)

Referenced by obiwan_main().

std::string Origen::help ( )

Referenced by obiwan_main(), and TYPED_TEST_P().

int Origen::obiwan_main ( Vec_Str  args,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 

Referenced by main(), and TEST().

int obiwan_main ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 
std::string Origen::applyPatch ( SP_Library  fromLib,
IntegerList *  coeffPosList,
const std::string &  coeffData,
SP_Library  lib,
int  pos 

Referenced by Obiwan_patch::execute().

static ScaleUtils::IO::DB Origen::baseOptions ( )
int Origen::view ( const StateSet state_set,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 
int Origen::view ( const DecayResource decay_resource,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 

References printDecayTable().

int Origen::view ( const YieldResource yield_resource,
ScaleUtils::IO::DB  opts,
std::ostream &  out,
std::ostream &  err 

References printYields().

const char* Origen::version ( )
const char* Origen::config ( const char *  field = "")
std::string Origen::doIndent ( int  indent)

Referenced by CompManager::toString().

std::string Origen::toYesNo ( bool  yes_no)

Referenced by CompManager::toString().

void Origen::setup_search_variables ( const std::vector< NuclideId > &  in_sizzzaaa_list,
std::map< NuclideId, size_t > &  nind_lookup 
bool Origen::check_sizes ( size_t  total_nuclides,
size_t  total_transitions,
std::vector< int > &  num_decay_parents,
std::vector< int > &  num_parents,
std::vector< int > &  parent_positions,
std::vector< int > &  transition_ids,
std::vector< double > &  transition_coeff 
void Origen::vector_copy ( size_t  nelem,
size_t  start,
const std::vector< T > *  old_list,
std::vector< T > &  new_list 
void Origen::shrink_to_fit ( std::vector< T > &  x)
double Origen::calculate_neutron_production_xs ( SP_Nuclide  residual)
std::map<int, std::pair<CrossSection1d*, SP_Transition> > Origen::collect_direct_yields ( SP_Field  neutron_field,
SP_Nuclide  nuclide,
int  izzzaaa,
TS_t  ts,
LibraryNuclide *  ampx_nuclide,
const DirectYields_t &  direct_yields 

Variable Documentation

const int TIME_S = 1
const int TIME_M = 2
const int TIME_H = 3
const int TIME_D = 4
const int TIME_Y = 5
const int INTERP_PREFERRED = 0
const int INTERP_HISTOGRAM = 1
const int INTERP_LINLIN = 2

Referenced by Origen::test::TEST().

const int INTERP_LINLOG = 3
const int INTERP_LOGLIN = 4
const int INTERP_LOGLOG = 5