

* File: tstLibrary.cpp
* Author: Brenden T. Mervin, mervinbt@ornl.gov
* Created on Thu Apr 4 15:32:59 EDT 2013
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Origen/Core/config.h"
#include "Standard/Interface/SerialFactory.h"
#include "Standard/Interface/SerialStream.h"
#include "ScaleUtils/Math/Interp1D_CubicSpline_SF.h"
#include "ScaleUtils/Math/interpwts.h"
#include "Nemesis/gtest/nemesis_gtest.hh"
#include "Nemesis/harness/DBC.hh"
using namespace Origen;
using namespace Scale;
class LibraryTest : public ::testing::Test
virtual void SetUp()
// nuclide set
NuclideSet nucSet;
nucSet.set_ids_legacy( 2, 2, 1, {1, 2, 235, 128, 135} );
// header
LibraryHeader header;
header.set_nuclide_set( nucSet );
header.set_month_made( 3 );
header.set_day_made( 29 );
header.set_year_made( 2013 );
header.set_title( "TestHeader" );
lib.set_definition( header );
// tag manager
TagManager tagMan;
tagMan.setIdTag( "Lattice type", "Westinghouse 17x17" );
tagMan.setIdTag( "Pin location", "Corner" );
tagMan.setIdTag( "Fuel type", "UO2" );
tagMan.setInterpTag( "Enrichment", 4.5 );
tagMan.setInterpTag( "Number of Gadolinium Rods", 8 );
lib.set_tag_manager( tagMan );
// transition structure
lib.set_transition_structure( tStruct );
// decay data
DecayData decayDat;
FakeFactory::DecayData_random1( decayDat, header );
lib.set_decay_data( decayDat );
// transition coeff
TransitionCoeff transCoeff;
FakeFactory::TransitionCoeff_random1( transCoeff, header );
lib.set_transition_coeff_at( transCoeff, 0 );
Library lib;
* Test serialization of the Library.
TEST_F( LibraryTest, Initialize )
ASSERT_TRUE( lib.scp_definition() != nullptr );
//\todo Add some checks on the library definition values here
// Verify tag manager set correctly
ASSERT_TRUE( lib.scp_tag_manager() != nullptr );
// Verify transition_coeff set correctly
ASSERT_TRUE( lib.scp_transition_coeff_at( 0 ) != nullptr );
// Verify decay data is set correctly
ASSERT_TRUE( lib.scp_decay_data() != nullptr );
// Verify the transitionStructure is set correctly
ASSERT_TRUE( lib.scp_transition_structure() != nullptr );
// set up the serialization factory
SerialStream ss;
Standard::SerialFactory sf;
ss.setFactory( &sf );
// serialize
int error = lib.serialize( &ss );
ASSERT_EQ( error, 0 ) << "Library serialization failed" << std::endl;
// make a new lib to test the serialization
Library new_lib;
// deserialize
error = new_lib.deserialize( &ss );
ASSERT_EQ( error, 0 );
// Check that the deserialized Library matches the original
EXPECT_TRUE( lib == new_lib )
<< "Deserialized library does not match original" << std::endl;
// Test to/from JSON
Json::Value oldJSON = lib.to_json();
Json::Value newJSON = new_lib.to_json();
// Test the Library cloning capability
TEST( Library, Clone )
SP_Library fakeLib = SP_Library( new Library() );
TagManager tagMan;
tagMan.setIdTag( "Cheese", "Stinky" );
tagMan.setInterpTag( "StinkFactor", 4.0 );
SP_Library cloneLib = fakeLib->clone();
// Check that everything copied correctly
ASSERT_TRUE( fakeLib->definition() == cloneLib->definition() );
ASSERT_TRUE( fakeLib->tag_manager() == cloneLib->tag_manager() );
ASSERT_TRUE( fakeLib->decay_data() == cloneLib->decay_data() );
ASSERT_TRUE( fakeLib->transition_structure() ==
cloneLib->transition_structure() );
// Check each individual transition coefficient
ASSERT_TRUE( fakeLib->transition_coeff_size() ==
cloneLib->transition_coeff_size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < fakeLib->transition_coeff_size(); ++i )
TransitionCoeff fakeTC = fakeLib->transition_coeff_at( i );
fakeLib->get_transition_coeff_at( *cloneTC, i );
EXPECT_EQ( fakeTC.burnup(), cloneTC->burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( fakeTC.approx_eq( *cloneTC ) );
// Check if clone actually makes a deep copy
SCP_TransitionCoeff refTC = fakeLib->scp_transition_coeff_at( 0 );
SP_TransitionCoeff tmpTC = refTC->clone();
tmpTC->scale( 2.0 );
SP_TransitionCoeff tmpTC2 = tmpTC->clone();
EXPECT_FALSE( tmpTC->approx_eq( *refTC ) );
EXPECT_TRUE( tmpTC2->approx_eq( *tmpTC ) );
// Set a new TC on the library
fakeLib->set_transition_coeff_at( *tmpTC, 0 );
EXPECT_FALSE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
fakeLib->set_transition_coeff_at( *refTC, 0 );
EXPECT_TRUE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
// Check that the library header has been deep copied
LibraryHeader refLH = fakeLib->definition();
LibraryHeader tmpLH = cloneLib->definition();
EXPECT_NE( fakeLib->scp_definition(), cloneLib->scp_definition() );
EXPECT_TRUE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
// Check that the TransitionStructure has been deep copied
TransitionStructure refTS = fakeLib->transition_structure();
TransitionStructure tmpTS = cloneLib->transition_structure();
EXPECT_TRUE( refTS == tmpTS );
size_t itot = fakeLib->definition().nuclide_set().total_nuclides();
std::vector<int> tmpNumParents( itot, 1 );
tmpTS.set_num_parents( tmpNumParents );
EXPECT_FALSE( refTS == tmpTS );
fakeLib->set_transition_structure( tmpTS );
EXPECT_FALSE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
fakeLib->set_transition_structure( refTS );
EXPECT_TRUE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
// Check that the DecayData structure has been deep copied
DecayData refDD = fakeLib->decay_data();
DecayData tmpDD = cloneLib->decay_data();
EXPECT_TRUE( refDD == tmpDD );
tmpDD.q_fractions_from_photons = std::vector<float>( itot, 0.5 );
EXPECT_FALSE( refDD == tmpDD );
fakeLib->set_decay_data( tmpDD );
EXPECT_FALSE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
fakeLib->set_decay_data( refDD );
EXPECT_TRUE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
// Check that the TagManager has been deep copied
TagManager refTM = fakeLib->tag_manager();
TagManager tmpTM = cloneLib->tag_manager();
EXPECT_TRUE( refTM == tmpTM );
tmpTM.setIdTag( "Cheese", "Smelly" );
EXPECT_FALSE( refTM == tmpTM );
fakeLib->set_tag_manager( tmpTM );
EXPECT_FALSE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
fakeLib->set_tag_manager( refTM );
EXPECT_TRUE( *fakeLib == *cloneLib );
// Test out 1-D interpolation over burnups on a Library
TEST( Library, Basic_Interp )
SP_Library fakeLib = SP_Library( new Library );
// replace burnups to be realistic and easy to interp
std::vector<float> burnups = {1000., 2000., 3000.};
for( size_t i = 0; i < burnups.size(); ++i )
TransitionCoeff tc = fakeLib->transition_coeff_at( i );
tc.set_burnup( burnups[i] );
fakeLib->set_transition_coeff_at( tc, i );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( burnups[i],
fakeLib->transition_coeff_at( i ).burnup() );
const int numR = 8; // 1 burnup + 7 TC vectors = 8 interpolable responses
std::vector<SP_TransitionCoeff> origTC( burnups.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < burnups.size(); ++i )
origTC[i] = SP_TransitionCoeff( new TransitionCoeff );
fakeLib->get_transition_coeff_at( *origTC[i], i );
// Check that the view matches itself
EXPECT_TRUE( view.match( *origTC[i] ) );
// Check that we see 8 responses (1 burnup + 7 TC vectors)
ASSERT_EQ( numR, view.nr() );
std::vector<float> burnupNew = {1000., 1500., 2000., 2500., 3000.};
// Set a function pointer to the interpolator
&( ScaleUtils::Math::interpwts_lin<std::vector<float>, float> );
fakeLib->set_interpolator( intF );
SP_Library libNew = fakeLib->interpolate( burnupNew );
// New library has the correct number of burnups
ASSERT_EQ( libNew->transition_coeff_size(), burnupNew.size() );
// New library burnups are equal to burnups in burnupNew
for( size_t i = 0; i < burnupNew.size(); i++ )
libNew->get_transition_coeff_at( *tcoeff, i );
// New Library has correct burnups
EXPECT_EQ( tcoeff->burnup(), burnupNew[i] );
std::vector<float> weights( 2 );
SP_TransitionCoeff lesser, greater;
// Vectors in Transition Coefficients interpolated correctly
if( burnupNew[i] == burnups[int( i / 2 )] )
// interpolated burnups that match an original burnup (1000, 2000,
// 3000)
lesser = greater = origTC[i / 2];
weights = {1.0, 0.0};
// so can Assert that positions 2,4 ==
// (0.5*tc1+0.5*tc2),(0.5*tc2+0.5*tc3)
// which is equivalent to 2,4 ==
// (0.5*pos1+0.5*pos3),(0.5*pos3+0.5*pos5)
lesser = origTC[( i - 1 ) / 2];
greater = origTC[( i + 1 ) / 2];
weights = {0.5, 0.5};
std::vector<SP_TransitionCoeff> interpCoeffs = {lesser, greater};
// Create a fresh TC for comparison
SP_TransitionCoeff tcComp = tcoeff->clone();
tcComp->scale( 0.0 );
// Add the scaled contributions from each TC on the interpolation grid
for( size_t i = 0; i != weights.size(); ++i )
SP_TransitionCoeff tcClone = interpCoeffs[i]->clone();
tcClone->scale( weights[i] );
*tcComp += *tcClone;
// Check that the interpolated TC at this burnup matches what we expect
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tcComp->burnup(), tcoeff->burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( tcComp->approx_eq( *tcoeff ) );
} // end loop over burnups
// Test out 1-D interpolation over burnups on a Library using SplineFit
TEST( Library, Basic_Interp1D )
using ScaleUtils::Math::Numeric::Interp1D_CubicSpline_SF;
SP_Library fakeLib = SP_Library( new Library );
// replace burnups to be realistic and easy to interp
std::vector<float> burnups = {1000., 2000., 3000., 4000., 5000., 6000.};
for( size_t i = 0; i < burnups.size(); ++i )
FakeFactory::TransitionCoeff_random1( tc, fakeLib->definition() );
tc.set_burnup( burnups[i] );
fakeLib->set_transition_coeff_at( tc, i );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( burnups[i],
fakeLib->transition_coeff_at( i ).burnup() );
std::vector<SP_TransitionCoeff> origTC( burnups.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < burnups.size(); ++i )
origTC[i] = SP_TransitionCoeff( new TransitionCoeff );
fakeLib->get_transition_coeff_at( *origTC[i], i );
std::vector<double> burnupNew = {1000., 1500., 2000., 2500., 3000.};
SP_Library libNew = fakeLib->interpolate_Interp1D( burnupNew );
// New library has the correct number of burnups
ASSERT_EQ( libNew->transition_coeff_size(), burnupNew.size() );
// New library burnups are equal to burnups in burnupNew
for( size_t i = 0; i < burnupNew.size(); i++ )
libNew->get_transition_coeff_at( *tcoeff, i );
// New Library has correct burnups
EXPECT_EQ( tcoeff->burnup(), burnupNew[i] );
std::vector<float> weights( 2 );
SP_TransitionCoeff lesser, greater;
// Vectors in Transition Coefficients interpolated correctly
if( burnupNew[i] == burnups[int( i / 2 )] )
// interpolated burnups that match an original burnup (1000, 2000,
// 3000)
lesser = greater = origTC[i / 2];
weights = {1.0, 0.0};
// so can Assert that positions 2,4 ==
// (0.5*tc1+0.5*tc2),(0.5*tc2+0.5*tc3)
// which is equivalent to 2,4 ==
// (0.5*pos1+0.5*pos3),(0.5*pos3+0.5*pos5)
lesser = origTC[( i - 1 ) / 2];
greater = origTC[( i + 1 ) / 2];
weights = {0.5, 0.5};
std::vector<SP_TransitionCoeff> interpCoeffs = {lesser, greater};
// Create a fresh TC for comparison
SP_TransitionCoeff tcComp = tcoeff->clone();
tcComp->scale( 0.0 );
// Add the scaled contributions from each TC on the interpolation grid
for( size_t i = 0; i != weights.size(); ++i )
SP_TransitionCoeff tcClone = interpCoeffs[i]->clone();
tcClone->scale( weights[i] );
*tcComp += *tcClone;
// Check that the interpolated TC at this burnup matches what we expect
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tcComp->burnup(), tcoeff->burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( tcComp->approx_eq( *tcoeff ) );
} // end loop over burnups
TEST( Library, Interp1D_Thinner )
// "Re-grid" a Library to a desired set of burnups using interpolation
Library baseLib;
Library refLib;
Library scaledLib;
Vec_Flt base_bu_list = {0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 20.0};
Vec_Flt ref_bu_list = {0.0, 5.0, 15.0, 20.0};
// Setup the base & reference libraries from the same base TransitionCoeff
baseTC.set_burnup( base_bu_list[0] );
baseLib.add_transition_coeff( baseTC );
refLib.add_transition_coeff( baseTC );
// Create a linearly-scaled series of TCs on the Library, based on the
// burnup grid
FakeFactory::Library_linear1D( baseLib, base_bu_list, 1.5 );
FakeFactory::Library_linear1D( refLib, ref_bu_list, 1.5 );
// Set a function pointer to the interpolator
&( ScaleUtils::Math::interpwts_lin<std::vector<float>, float> );
baseLib.set_interpolator( intF );
baseLib.regrid( ref_bu_list );
ASSERT_EQ( refLib.transition_coeff_size(),
baseLib.transition_coeff_size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i != refLib.transition_coeff_size(); ++i )
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tcRef->burnup(), tcNew->burnup() )
<< "Burnups mismatched for Library " << i << " / "
<< refLib.transition_coeff_size() << std::endl;
EXPECT_TRUE( tcRef->approx_eq( *tcNew ) )
<< "Library " << i << " / " << refLib.transition_coeff_size()
<< " is does not match expected Library" << std::endl;
TEST( Library, FortranTestConsistency )
Library lib;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 1.50642300E-03, lib.decay_data().decay_constants.at( 0 ) );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 8.69777426E-03,
lib.transition_coeff_at( 0 ).matrix().at( 0 ) );
// Testing the fakeFactory function to a create a 1D linearly scaled library of
// TCs
TEST( FakeFactory, linear1D )
SP_Library baseLib = SP_Library( new Library );
ff.TransitionCoeff_random2( *baseTC );
baseTC->set_burnup( 1000 );
baseLib->add_transition_coeff( *baseTC );
std::vector<float> bu_list = {1000, 2000, 3000};
float scaleBU = 3;
ff.Library_linear1D( *baseLib, bu_list, scaleBU );
ASSERT_TRUE( baseLib->transition_coeff_size() == 3 );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( baseLib->transition_coeff_at( 0 ).burnup(), 1000 );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( baseLib->transition_coeff_at( 1 ).burnup(), 2000 );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( baseLib->transition_coeff_at( 2 ).burnup(), 3000 );
std::vector<float> weights = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
baseLib->get_transition_coeff_at( *tmpTC, 0 );
SP_TransitionCoeff scaledTC = tmpTC->clone();
scaledTC->scale( weights[0] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( scaledTC->burnup(), bu_list[0] );
EXPECT_TRUE( baseLib->transition_coeff_at( 0 ).approx_eq( *scaledTC ) );
scaledTC = tmpTC->clone();
scaledTC->scale( weights[1] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( scaledTC->burnup(), bu_list[1] );
EXPECT_TRUE( baseLib->transition_coeff_at( 1 ).approx_eq( *scaledTC ) );
scaledTC = tmpTC->clone();
scaledTC->scale( weights[2] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( scaledTC->burnup(), bu_list[2] );
EXPECT_TRUE( baseLib->transition_coeff_at( 2 ).approx_eq( *scaledTC ) );
// Testing the fakefactory function to create linear libraries
TEST( FakeFactory, linear2D )
SP_Library baseLib = SP_Library( new Library );
ff.TransitionCoeff_random2( *baseTC );
baseTC->set_burnup( 1000 );
baseLib->add_transition_coeff( *baseTC );
// make params for fake library to be made at
std::vector<float> bu_list = {1000, 2000, 3000};
std::vector<float> enr_list = {0.10, 0.20, 0.30};
float scaleBU = 3;
float scaleEnr = 3;
std::string name = "Enrichment";
std::vector<SP_Library> libVec = ff.Library_linear2D(
*baseLib, bu_list, enr_list, scaleBU, scaleEnr, name );
// check to see if libraries in vector are scaled correctly
ASSERT_TRUE( libVec.size() == 3 ); // correct number of libraries
ASSERT_TRUE( libVec[0]->transition_coeff_size() ==
3 ); // correct number of transCoeff
ASSERT_TRUE( libVec[1]->transition_coeff_size() == 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( libVec[2]->transition_coeff_size() == 3 );
for( size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
for( size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
// correct burnups
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( libVec[i]->transition_coeff_at( j ).burnup(),
bu_list[j] );
// correct interptags
EXPECT_TRUE( libVec[i]->tag_manager().hasTag( name ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( double( enr_list[i] ),
libVec[i]->tag_manager().getInterpTag( name ) );
// correct scaling on TransitionCoeffs
std::vector<float> wgts = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 9.0};
tempTC = baseTC->clone();
tempTC->scale( wgts[0] );
EXPECT_TRUE( libVec[0]->transition_coeff_at( 0 ).approx_eq( *tempTC ) );
tempTC = baseTC->clone();
tempTC->scale( wgts[1] );
tempTC->set_burnup( bu_list[1] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tempTC->burnup(),
libVec[0]->transition_coeff_at( 1 ).burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( libVec[0]->transition_coeff_at( 1 ).approx_eq( *tempTC ) );
tempTC = baseTC->clone();
tempTC->scale( wgts[2] );
tempTC->set_burnup( bu_list[2] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tempTC->burnup(),
libVec[0]->transition_coeff_at( 2 ).burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( libVec[0]->transition_coeff_at( 2 ).approx_eq( *tempTC ) );
tempTC = baseTC->clone();
tempTC->scale( wgts[1] );
tempTC->set_burnup( bu_list[0] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tempTC->burnup(),
libVec[1]->transition_coeff_at( 0 ).burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( libVec[1]->transition_coeff_at( 0 ).approx_eq( *tempTC ) );
tempTC = baseTC->clone();
tempTC->scale( wgts[2] );
tempTC->set_burnup( bu_list[0] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tempTC->burnup(),
libVec[2]->transition_coeff_at( 0 ).burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( libVec[2]->transition_coeff_at( 0 ).approx_eq( *tempTC ) );
tempTC = baseTC->clone();
tempTC->scale( wgts[3] );
tempTC->set_burnup( bu_list[2] );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( tempTC->burnup(),
libVec[2]->transition_coeff_at( 2 ).burnup() );
EXPECT_TRUE( libVec[2]->transition_coeff_at( 2 ).approx_eq( *tempTC ) );