

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "Nemesis/gtest/nemesis_gtest.hh"
#include "Origen/Core/TestPaths.h"
#include "ScaleUtils/IO/DB.h"
class TSA_DecayResourceTester : public ::testing::Test
void SetUp()
// Load a DecayResource from a file.
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
dr_io.load( dr, Origen::decay_filepath, opts );
// Create the TransitionSystemAdapter for the decay resource and
// populate a transition system from it.
tsa.extend( &*ts, true, dr );
// output a nuclide in detail
const bool debug = false;
if( debug )
std::ofstream ofs( "1003.json" );
ofs << ts->nuclide( 1003 )->to_string();
// create a list
std::vector<int> sizzzaaa_list{10001003, 10002003};
// creating decay library from transition system initialized in SetUp
bld.create_decay_library( &lib, sizzzaaa_list, true, *ts );
// check that ids made it to library
EXPECT_EQ( 10001003, lib.definition().nuclide_set().ids_at( 0 ) );
EXPECT_EQ( 10002003, lib.definition().nuclide_set().ids_at( 1 ) );
// check decay constants
EXPECT_NEAR( 1.7829e-09, lib.decay_data().decay_constants.at( 0 ), 1e-10 );
EXPECT_EQ( 0.0, lib.decay_data().decay_constants.at( 1 ) );
// check transition ids
EXPECT_EQ( 1, lib.transition_structure().transition_ids_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( -2, lib.transition_structure().transition_ids_at( 0 ) );
// check transition coeff
EXPECT_EQ( 1, lib.transition_coeff_size() );
1.7829e-09, lib.transition_coeff_at( 0 ).matrix_at( 0 ), 1e-10 );
// output library
if( debug )
std::ofstream ofs( "Single1003.txt" );
ofs << lib.to_string() << std::endl;
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
saveLibrary( lib, "Single1003.f33", opts );
// TODO : Re-enable test after library updated!
TEST_F( TSA_DecayResourceTester, DISABLED_FullCompare )
std::vector<int> sizzzaaa_list =
EXPECT_EQ( 2240u, sizzzaaa_list.size() );
// creating decay library from transition system initialized in SetUp
bld.create_decay_library( &lib, sizzzaaa_list, true, *ts );
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
Origen::Library lib_orig;
bool loaded = lib_io.load( lib_orig, Origen::decaylib_filepath, opts );
EXPECT_TRUE( loaded );
auto diff = diffLibrary( lib_orig, lib );
EXPECT_FALSE( diff->have_difference() )
<< " outputting only differing lines to screen...\n"
<< " outputting old/new libraries to lib_orig.f33/lib.f33...\n"
<< " outputting full diff to file lib.diff.txt\n";
if( diff->have_difference() )
diff->to_string( true ); /*diff only*/
std::ofstream ofs( "lib.diff.txt" );
ofs << diff->to_string();
lib_io.save( lib_orig, "lib_orig.f33", opts );
lib_io.save( lib, "lib.f33", opts );
// This function uses GTEST macros to test various sizes on the library
// for consistency.
// get various components
const Origen::LibraryHeader& def = lib.definition();
const Origen::NuclideSet& nucset = def.nuclide_set();
const Origen::DecayData& dd = lib.decay_data();
// get reference numbers of stuff
size_t total = lib.total_nuclides();
size_t num_lt = nucset.num_in_sublib( Origen::SUBLIB_1LT );
size_t num_ac = nucset.num_in_sublib( Origen::SUBLIB_2AC );
size_t num_fp = nucset.num_in_sublib( Origen::SUBLIB_3FP );
ASSERT_LT( 0, num_lt );
ASSERT_LT( 0, num_ac );
ASSERT_LT( 0, num_fp );
// test number of nuclides
EXPECT_EQ( total, nucset.ids_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, nucset.total_nuclides() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, def.total_nuclides() );
// test numbers in decay data
EXPECT_EQ( total, dd.decay_constants.size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, dd.recoverable_energy_values.size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, dd.q_fractions_from_photons.size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, dd.rcg_for_air.size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, dd.rcg_for_water.size() );
EXPECT_EQ( num_lt, dd.abund_of_lite_nuclides.size() );
EXPECT_LE( 0, dd.fissionable_nuclide_ids.size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, dd.masses.size() );
// test number of transitions
size_t non = tstruct.total_transitions();
EXPECT_EQ( non, tstruct.transition_ids_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( non, tstruct.parent_positions_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, tstruct.num_parents_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, tstruct.num_decay_parents_size() );
size_t nfluxgrp = 0;
if( lib.transition_coeff_size() > 0 )
nfluxgrp = lib.transition_coeff_at( 0 ).flux_size();
for( size_t i = 0; i < lib.transition_coeff_size(); ++i )
const Origen::TransitionCoeff& tcoeff = lib.transition_coeff_at( i );
EXPECT_EQ( non, tcoeff.matrix_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( total, tcoeff.loss_xs_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( num_ac, tcoeff.fission_xs_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( num_ac + num_lt, tcoeff.neutron_yields_size() );
EXPECT_EQ( nfluxgrp, tcoeff.flux_size() );
// This function uses GTEST macros to test that masses are something
// that's close but not equal to the mass number.
// get various components
const Origen::LibraryHeader& def = lib.definition();
const Origen::NuclideSet& nucset = def.nuclide_set();
const Origen::DecayData& dd = lib.decay_data();
EXPECT_EQ( nucset.total_nuclides(), dd.masses.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < dd.masses.size(); ++i )
int izzzaaa = nucset.izzzaaa_at( i );
int a = nucset.a_at( i );
double da = std::abs( dd.masses[i] - a );
// check that it's not zero UNLESS it's C-12
if( izzzaaa != 6012 && izzzaaa != 1) EXPECT_LT( 1e-5, da ) << nucset.izzzaaa_at( i );
if( izzzaaa == 6012 && izzzaaa != 1) EXPECT_GT( 1e-6, da ) << nucset.izzzaaa_at( i );
// check that it's not more than 1
if (izzzaaa != 1) EXPECT_GT( 1.0, da );
class LibraryBuilderTester : public ::testing::Test
void SetUp()
// load decay resource
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
std::string decay_resource( Origen::decay_filepath );
Origen::loadDecayResource( decay_resource, opts ) );
Insist( opts.numError() == 0, "decay resource had errors" );
// load nuclide resource
nr = std::make_shared<Origen::NuclideResource>();
// set on library builder
// create a transition system adapter to create a general transition
// system from this data
// see TransitionSystem and friends to_string methods
ts = std::make_shared<Origen::TransitionSystem_Gen>();
tsa.extend( &*ts, true, *dr );
TEST_F( LibraryBuilderTester, CreateNewEnd7Dec )
// list of ids
std::vector<int> sizzzaaa_list =
// build an ORIGEN library with the standard set of SCALE 6.2 ids
bld.create_decay_library( &lib, sizzzaaa_list, true, *ts );
// check sizes and then write to disk
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
opts.set( "fileFormat", "s62b" );
bool saved = saveLibrary( lib, "end7dec", opts );
EXPECT_TRUE( saved );
TEST_F( LibraryBuilderTester, AddDecayModes )
// show contents
// look for cs141 modes
// 1009 551410 cs141 2.790e-02 3.198e+00 0.534 beta-(0) 9.997e-01
// beta-,neutron(0) 3.500e-04
// Origen::printDecayTable(*dr,std::cout);
// get decay parent of interest
// note ids in table are ZZZAAAI!!!
// internally ORIGEN now uses IZZZAAA
Origen::DecayParent& dp = dr->get_parent_map()[55141];
Insist( dp.num_decay_modes() == 2, "did not find right nuclide" );
// get decay channel of interest
// const int Utils::DECAY_NONE = 0;
// const int Utils::DECAY_GAMMA = 1;
// const int Utils::DECAY_BETA_MINUS = 2;
// const int Utils::DECAY_BETA_PLUS = 3;
// const int Utils::DECAY_ISOMERIC_TRANSITION = 4;
// const int Utils::DECAY_ALPHA = 5;
// const int Utils::DECAY_NEUTRON = 6;
// const int Utils::DECAY_SPONTANEOUS_FISSION = 7;
// const int Utils::DECAY_PROTON = 8;
// const int Utils::DECAY_UNKNOWN = 9;
// std::cout << "existing 55141[26] branching
// ratio="<<dc.get_branch_ratio()<<std::endl;
double dconst = dp.get_decay_constant();
// change branching ratio for beta-,n
double new_br = 5e-4; // would typically read from file
double delta_br = dc.get_branch_ratio() - new_br;
dc.set_branch_ratio( new_br );
// add new decay modes and set branching ratio for beta-,2n
Origen::DecayChannel& dc_2n = dp.get_channel_map()[266]; // creating new
double new_br_2n = 6e-4;
delta_br -= new_br_2n; // increment delta
dc_2n.set_branch_ratio( new_br_2n );
dc_2n.get_yield_map()[0] = 0.95; // 95% to ground
dc_2n.get_yield_map()[1] = 0.05; // 5% to first metastable
// know what I'm dealing with so I will hard-code the renormalization of
// other branch ratio
double other_br = dc_other.get_branch_ratio() + delta_br;
dc_other.set_branch_ratio( other_br );
// Origen::printDecayTable(*dr,std::cout);
// final result should be:
// 1009 551410 cs141 2.790e-02 3.198e+00 0.534 beta-(0) 9.989e-01
// beta-,neutron(0) 5.000e-04 beta-,neutron,neutron(0) 5.700e-04
// beta-,neutron,neutron(1) 3.000e-05
// calculate reference values
double coeff_2 = dconst * dp.get_channel_map()[2].get_branch_ratio();
double coeff_26 = dconst * dp.get_channel_map()[26].get_branch_ratio();
double coeff_266 =
dconst * dp.get_channel_map()[266].get_branch_ratio() * 0.95;
// create a transition system adapter to create a general transition system
// from this data
// see TransitionSystem and friends to_string methods
ts = std::make_shared<Origen::TransitionSystem_Gen>();
tsa.extend( &*ts, true, *dr );
std::vector<int> sizzzaaa_list =
// build an ORIGEN library with the standard set of SCALE 6.2 ids
bld.create_decay_library( &lib, sizzzaaa_list, true, *ts );
// check sizes and then write to disk
SCOPED_TRACE( "in-memory" );
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
bool saved = saveLibrary(
opts ); // library can be used in a couple calculation now
EXPECT_TRUE( saved );
// read from disk and then check sizes
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
bool loaded = io.load( lib2, "decay.f33", opts );
EXPECT_TRUE( loaded );
SCOPED_TRACE( "on-disk" );
// now look through library and see that we have some values that we
// modified
const auto& nucset = lib2.definition().nuclide_set();
size_t i_cs141 = nucset.lookup_index( 30055141 );
ASSERT_GT( nucset.total_nuclides(), i_cs141 );
ASSERT_EQ( 55141, nucset.izzzaaa_at( i_cs141 ) );
const auto& tids = lib2.transition_structure().transition_ids();
const auto& numdp = lib2.transition_structure().num_decay_parents();
const auto& ppos = lib2.transition_structure().parent_positions();
const auto& tcoeff = lib2.transition_coeff_at( 0 ).matrix();
size_t j = 0;
for( size_t i = 0; i < numdp.size(); ++i )
for( size_t k = 0; k < numdp[i]; ++k )
int tid = tids[j];
int nind = ppos[j] - 1;
if( nind == (int)i_cs141 )
// daughter of cs141: 30056139 by mode=-266 with
// coeff=1.59056e-05
// daughter of cs141: 30056140 by mode=-26 with
// coeff=1.39523e-05
// daughter of cs141: 30056141 by mode=-2 with
// coeff=0.0278739
if( nucset.izzzaaa_at( i ) == 56139 )
EXPECT_EQ( -266, tid );
EXPECT_NEAR( coeff_266, tcoeff[j], 1e-4 * coeff_266 );
else if( nucset.izzzaaa_at( i ) == 56140 )
EXPECT_EQ( -26, tid );
EXPECT_NEAR( coeff_26, tcoeff[j], 1e-4 * coeff_26 );
else if( nucset.izzzaaa_at( i ) == 56141 )
EXPECT_EQ( -2, tid );
EXPECT_NEAR( coeff_2, tcoeff[j], 1e-4 * coeff_2 );
else if(nucset.izzzaaa_at(i) == 1)
// -266 and -26 also produce neutrons now, need to check?
EXPECT_TRUE( false )
<< "daughter of cs141: " << nucset.sizzzaaa_at( i )
<< " by mode=" << tid << " with coeff=" << tcoeff[j]
<< " not expected";