

* Unit test for the c interface to old MATREX kernel
* Author: Aarno Isotalo
#include <iostream>
#include "Nemesis/gtest/nemesis_gtest.hh"
typedef std::vector<int> Vec_Int;
TEST( tstKernelMatrexC, test )
int itot, non;
Vec_Int non0, kd, loc, ZAI;
DoubleList DLdiag, DLa;
double flux;
int i, j;
// Load a library.
itot = trx->get_itot();
non = trx->get_non();
// Convert the Lists to vectors
non0.resize( itot );
kd.resize( itot );
loc.resize( non );
ZAI.resize( itot );
copy( ( trx->get_non0_() )->begin(),
( trx->get_non0_() )->end(),
non0.begin() );
copy( ( trx->get_kd_() )->begin(), ( trx->get_kd_() )->end(), kd.begin() );
copy( ( trx->get_loc() )->begin(), ( trx->get_loc() )->end(), loc.begin() );
( trx->get_nucl() )->begin(), ( trx->get_nucl() )->end(), ZAI.begin() );
// Fold library
flux = 3.5e14;
trx->fold_flux( flux, DLdiag, DLa );
Origen::Vec_Dbl diag( DLdiag.begin(), DLdiag.end() );
Origen::Vec_Dbl a( DLa.begin(), DLa.end() );
// Set initial composition and step length
int zero_flux_step = 0, is_adjoint = 0;
Origen::Vec_Dbl n( itot ), n0( itot ), source_term( itot );
n0[trx->find_nuclide_guess( 922350 )] = 0.05;
n0[trx->find_nuclide_guess( 922380 )] = 0.95;
double delta_t = 100 * 60 * 60 * 24;
// solve with CRAM for reference results (The results are hardcoded because
// CRAM might be turned off)
int const num_ref = 4;
int i_ref[num_ref] = {trx->find_nuclide_guess( 922350 ),
trx->find_nuclide_guess( 942390 ),
trx->find_nuclide_guess( 541350 ),
trx->find_nuclide_guess( 551370 )};
double n_ref[num_ref] = {
4.3984488451e-02, 1.9475224164e-03, 5.8150312205e-07, 3.0786326668e-04};
// This allows the ref. results to be recalculated
std::vector<double> n_cram(itot);
kernel_cram (&n_cram[0], &n0[0], nullptr, -1, delta_t, itot,
non, &non0[0], &kd[0], &diag[0], &a[0], &loc[0],
is_adjoint, 16, &ZAI[0]);
for (j=0; j<num_ref; j++)
i = i_ref[j];
printf("%d %.10e\n",ZAI[i], n_cram[i]);
kernel_matrex( &*trx,
0.0 );
// check a few nuclides. This only checks that the solver actually ran so
// there is no need for rigorous analysis
for( j = 0; j < num_ref; j++ )
i = i_ref[j];
EXPECT_NEAR( n[i], n_ref[j], n_ref[j] * 0.05 );