

#include <memory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "AmpxLoader/AmpxLoader.h"
#include "Nemesis/gtest/nemesis_gtest.hh"
#include "Origen/Core/TestPaths.h"
namespace Origen
namespace test
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, Load )
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
Origen::yields_filepath );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
// tmu.mg_database()->print(std::cout);
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, LoadUpdate )
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
Origen::yields_filepath );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
Origen::Vec_Flt mg_flux( 252, 1.0 );
tmu.update_mg_flux( mg_flux );
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, LoadUpdateGet )
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
Origen::yields_filepath );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
Origen::Vec_Flt mg_flux( 252, 1.0 );
tmu.update_mg_flux( mg_flux );
tmu.get_transition_matrix( &trx );
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, LoadUpdateGetClear )
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
Origen::yields_filepath );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
Origen::Vec_Flt mg_flux( 252, 1.0 );
tmu.update_mg_flux( mg_flux );
tmu.get_transition_matrix( &trx );
// for a uniform flux=1
std::map<int, std::map<int, double>> reference_sb47g_constants()
std::map<int, std::map<int, double>> r;
r[92235][16] = 0.25605130195617676;
r[92235][17] = 0.014363746158778667;
r[92235][18] = 1.4366118907928467;
r[92235][102] = 0.023061279207468033;
r[92238][16] = 0.38620460033416748;
r[92238][17] = 0.062143206596374512;
r[92238][18] = 0.74442368745803833;
r[92238][102] = 0.01585003174841404;
r[94240][16] = 0.10783249884843826;
r[94240][17] = 0.027231113985180855;
r[94240][18] = 1.8240015506744385;
r[94240][102] = 0.022608127444982529;
return r;
// for a uniform flux=1
std::map<int, std::map<int, double>> reference_ub47g_constants()
std::map<int, std::map<int, double>> r;
r[92235][16] = 0.3402692973613739;
r[92235][17] = 0.038585104048252106;
r[92235][18] = 1.6015549898147583;
r[92235][102] = 0.022057455033063889;
r[92238][16] = 0.57465583086013794;
r[92238][17] = 0.16693426668643951;
r[92238][18] = 0.84844231605529785;
r[92238][102] = 0.015442271716892719;
r[94240][16] = 0.18764506280422211;
r[94240][17] = 0.073150500655174255;
r[94240][18] = 1.9431796073913574;
r[94240][102] = 0.021005298942327499;
return r;
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, StorageBounds47g )
// get 47 group bounds
Origen::Vec_Dbl mpact_47g_dbl;
Origen::Vec_Flt mpact_47g;
mpact_47g.assign( mpact_47g_dbl.begin(), mpact_47g_dbl.end() );
// uniform flux spectrum
Origen::Vec_Flt mg_flux( 47 );
Origen::FakeFactory::getUniformFlux( &mg_flux, mpact_47g );
// set storage bounds and load the data
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
Origen::yields_filepath );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
jDebugBlock( {
std::ofstream ofs( "mg.txt" );
tmu.mg_database()->print( ofs );
} );
// update flux
tmu.update_mg_flux( mg_flux );
tmu.get_transition_matrix( &trx );
// spot check values
for( auto x1 : reference_sb47g_constants() )
int id = x1.first;
for( auto x2 : x1.second )
int mt = x2.first;
double ref = x2.second;
tmu.transition_system()->nuclide( id )->loss( mt )->xs(),
1e-5 * ref );
jDebugBlock( {
std::ofstream ofs( "StorageBounds47g.trx.txt" );
ofs << trx.toQString( 3, "F", 0, 0 ).toStdString() << std::endl;
} );
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, UserBounds47g )
// use default storage bounds and load the data
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
Origen::yields_filepath );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
jDebugBlock( {
std::ofstream ofs( "mg.txt" );
tmu.mg_database()->print( ofs );
} );
// get 47g user bounds
Origen::Vec_Dbl mpact_47g_dbl;
Origen::Vec_Flt mpact_47g;
mpact_47g.assign( mpact_47g_dbl.begin(), mpact_47g_dbl.end() );
tmu.set_user_bounds( mpact_47g );
// uniform flux spectrum
Origen::Vec_Flt mg_flux( 47 );
Origen::FakeFactory::getUniformFlux( &mg_flux, mpact_47g );
// update
tmu.update_mg_flux( mg_flux );
tmu.get_transition_matrix( &trx );
// spot check values
for( auto x1 : reference_ub47g_constants() )
int id = x1.first;
for( auto x2 : x1.second )
int mt = x2.first;
double ref = x2.second;
tmu.transition_system()->nuclide( id )->loss( mt )->xs(),
1e-5 * ref );
jDebugBlock( {
std::ofstream ofs( "UserBounds47g.trx.txt" );
ofs << trx.toQString( 3, "F", 0, 0 ).toStdString() << std::endl;
} );
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, FetchNuclides )
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
Origen::yields_filepath );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
// some checks on providing access to skeleton
ASSERT_TRUE( base_trx != nullptr );
EXPECT_EQ( 2237, base_trx->get_itot() );
std::vector<Origen::SP_Nuclide> ts_nuclides;
// Test ability to fetch when FP have +5000 AAAI
std::string id_form = "ZZZAAAI+FP5000";
std::vector<int> n_list;
n_list.push_back( 922350 );
n_list.push_back( 636510 );
n_list.push_back( 10020 );
n_list.push_back( 922351 );
tmu.fetch_ts_nuclides( &ts_nuclides, id_form, n_list );
ASSERT_EQ( 4u, ts_nuclides.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < ts_nuclides.size(); ++i )
ASSERT_TRUE( ts_nuclides[i] != nullptr );
EXPECT_EQ( 92235, ts_nuclides[0]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 63151, ts_nuclides[1]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 1002, ts_nuclides[2]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 1092235, ts_nuclides[3]->id() );
// Test ability to fetch ZZZAAAI
std::string id_form = "ZZZAAAI";
std::vector<int> n_list;
n_list.push_back( 922350 );
n_list.push_back( 631510 );
n_list.push_back( 10020 );
n_list.push_back( 922351 );
tmu.fetch_ts_nuclides( &ts_nuclides, id_form, n_list );
ASSERT_EQ( 4u, ts_nuclides.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < ts_nuclides.size(); ++i )
ASSERT_TRUE( ts_nuclides[i] != nullptr );
EXPECT_EQ( 92235, ts_nuclides[0]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 63151, ts_nuclides[1]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 1002, ts_nuclides[2]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 1092235, ts_nuclides[3]->id() );
// Test ability to fetch IZZZAAA
std::string id_form = "IZZZAAA";
std::vector<int> n_list;
n_list.push_back( 92235 );
n_list.push_back( 63151 );
n_list.push_back( 1002 );
n_list.push_back( 1092235 );
tmu.fetch_ts_nuclides( &ts_nuclides, id_form, n_list );
ASSERT_EQ( 4u, ts_nuclides.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < ts_nuclides.size(); ++i )
ASSERT_TRUE( ts_nuclides[i] != nullptr );
EXPECT_EQ( 92235, ts_nuclides[0]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 63151, ts_nuclides[1]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 1002, ts_nuclides[2]->id() );
EXPECT_EQ( 1092235, ts_nuclides[3]->id() );
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, LoadWithUserReactions )
Try to lad the libraries adding in the following user-defined
reaction channels:
H-1 (n,g) // A reaction that already exists
H-1 (n,2n) // A reaction that does not exist (yes its silly)
H-2 --- // Nuclide with zero MTs is allowed
B-11 (n,2n) // A reaction with nothing special in it.
B-11 (n,na) // A reaction which (at the time of writing this) is
// in .orglib but not in the MG data.
U-235 (n,f) // This should not break fission.
std::vector<int> user_nuclide_list = {1001, 1002, 5011, 92235};
std::vector<int> user_num_mts = {2, 0, 2, 1};
std::vector<int> user_mt_list = {102, 16, 16, 22, 18};
// ZAI corresponding to each element of the user_mt_list.
std::vector<int> expanded_zai = {10010, 10010, 50110, 50110, 922350};
tmu.load( Origen::pwrlib_filepath,
user_mt_list );
if( !tmu.initialized() )
tmu.clear(); // clears errors
// Updating MG flux once is required even if you intend to set one-group.
Origen::Vec_Flt mg_flux( 252, 1.0 );
tmu.update_mg_flux( mg_flux );
// Get the cross-sections.
Origen::Vec_Flt xs( user_mt_list.size(), 0.0 );
tmu.get_xs( "IZZZAAA", user_nuclide_list, user_num_mts, user_mt_list, &xs );
// New reactions are zero, the pre-existing ones with mg data non-zero.
EXPECT_TRUE( xs[0] != 0.0 );
EXPECT_TRUE( xs[1] == 0.0 );
EXPECT_TRUE( xs[2] != 0.0 );
EXPECT_TRUE( xs[3] == 0.0 );
EXPECT_TRUE( xs[2] != 0.0 );
// Set the cross-sections.
for( int i = 0; i < xs.size(); ++i ) xs[i] = ( i + 1 ) * 1000;
"IZZZAAA", user_nuclide_list, user_num_mts, user_mt_list, xs );
// Data was copied so this won't affect the values in tmu.
for( int i = 0; i < xs.size(); ++i ) xs[i] = 0;
// Get the cross-sections.
tmu.get_xs( "IZZZAAA", user_nuclide_list, user_num_mts, user_mt_list, &xs );
for( int i = 0; i < xs.size(); ++i )
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( ( i + 1 ) * 1000, xs[i] );
// >>> Check that the altered values made it to the TransitionMatrix
tmu.get_transition_matrix( &trx );
DoubleList diag, offdiag;
trx.fold_flux( 1.0e24,
offdiag ); // The 1e24 flux causes the elements
// to be in xs units.
// The get_xs function in transition matrix is broken and intended to be
// removed so it should not be used. Instead get the actual transition
// matrix and check values in it.
// Convert the Lists to vectors
int itot = trx.get_itot();
int non = trx.get_non();
std::vector<int> non0( itot ), kd( itot ), loc( non ), ZAI( itot );
copy( trx.get_non0_()->begin(), trx.get_non0_()->end(), non0.begin() );
copy( trx.get_kd_()->begin(), trx.get_kd_()->end(), kd.begin() );
copy( trx.get_loc()->begin(), trx.get_loc()->end(), loc.begin() );
copy( trx.get_nucl()->begin(), trx.get_nucl()->end(), ZAI.begin() );
// >>> Convert Origen form to dense matrix
double** B = (double**)calloc( itot, sizeof( double* ) );
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ )
B[i] = (double*)calloc( itot, sizeof( double ) );
// Add diagonal elements
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ ) B[i][i] += diag[i];
// Add offdiagonal elements
int j = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ ) // rows (parents)
for( int p = 0; p < non0[i]; p++ )
B[i][loc[j]] += offdiag[j];
// >>> Now B is the transition matrix in a dense format.
int idx_H1 = trx.find_nuclide( 1, 10010 );
int idx_B11 = trx.find_nuclide( 1, 50110 );
int idx_U235 = trx.find_nuclide( 2, 922350 );
// The massive flux we set means that the xs should dominate diagonal
EXPECT_NEAR( B[idx_H1][idx_H1], -3000, 0.001 * 3000 );
EXPECT_NEAR( B[idx_B11][idx_B11], -7000, 0.001 * 7000 );
EXPECT_NEAR( B[idx_U235][idx_U235], -5000, 0.01 * 5000 );
// Check the daughters
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( B[trx.find_nuclide( 1, 10020 )][idx_H1], 1000 );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( B[trx.find_nuclide( 1, 50100 )][idx_B11], 3000 );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( B[trx.find_nuclide( 1, 30070 )][idx_B11], 4000 );
// For fission, check that the total production from U-235 is close
double tot_yield = 0.0;
for( int i = 0; i < itot; ++i )
if( i != idx_U235 ) tot_yield += B[i][idx_U235];
EXPECT_NEAR( tot_yield, 10000, 0.01 * 10000 );
// Finally, check that we did not break the multigroup functionality
for( int i = 25; i < 252; ++i ) mg_flux[i] = 0; // softer spectrum
tmu.update_mg_flux( mg_flux );
tmu.get_transition_matrix( &trx );
trx.fold_flux( 1.0e24, diag, offdiag );
copy( trx.get_non0_()->begin(), trx.get_non0_()->end(), non0.begin() );
copy( trx.get_kd_()->begin(), trx.get_kd_()->end(), kd.begin() );
copy( trx.get_loc()->begin(), trx.get_loc()->end(), loc.begin() );
copy( trx.get_nucl()->begin(), trx.get_nucl()->end(), ZAI.begin() );
/*** Convert Origen form to dense matrix ***/
double** C = (double**)calloc( itot, sizeof( double* ) );
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ )
C[i] = (double*)calloc( itot, sizeof( double ) );
// Add diagonal elements
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ ) C[i][i] += diag[i];
// Add offdiagonal elements
int j = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ ) // rows (parents)
for( int p = 0; p < non0[i]; p++ )
C[i][loc[j]] += offdiag[j];
// >>> Now C is the new (softer spectrum) transition Matrix in dence form.
// Check that things changed...
EXPECT_TRUE( B[idx_H1][idx_H1] != C[idx_H1][idx_H1] );
EXPECT_TRUE( B[idx_B11][idx_B11] != C[idx_B11][idx_B11] );
EXPECT_TRUE( B[idx_U235][idx_U235] != C[idx_U235][idx_U235] );
// B-11 n,2n should change too as it has MG data
EXPECT_TRUE( B[trx.find_nuclide( 1, 50100 )][idx_B11] !=
C[trx.find_nuclide( 1, 50100 )][idx_B11] );
// B-11 n,na should not change as it has no MG data
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( C[trx.find_nuclide( 1, 30070 )][idx_B11], 4000 );
EXPECT_TRUE( -C[idx_B11][idx_B11] > 4000 );
EXPECT_TRUE( -C[idx_B11][idx_B11] < 4050 );
// Check that the fission yields still update.
tot_yield = 0.0;
for( int i = 0; i < itot; ++i )
if( i != idx_U235 ) tot_yield += C[i][idx_U235];
EXPECT_NEAR( tot_yield, -2 * C[idx_U235][idx_U235], 0.1 * tot_yield );
// Free memory.
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ ) free( B[i] );
free( B );
for( int i = 0; i < itot; i++ ) free( C[i] );
free( C );
std::string int2str( int i )
std::stringstream ss;
ss << i;
return ss.str();
TEST( TransitionMatrixUpdater, Example )
// nemesis::Timer t = nemesis::Timer();
// std::vector<std::string> errors;
ScaleUtils::IO::DB opts;
// Load AMPX infinitely dilute library into memory.
// TIC();
auto rr = std::make_shared<Origen::ReactionResource>();
rr_io.load( *rr, Origen::jeff252_filepath, opts );
ASSERT_TRUE( rr != nullptr ) << opts.writeErrorStack();
// TOC("loaded AMPX Infinitely Dilute library");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.06s 16 MB
// Load the yield resource.
// TIC();
auto yr = std::make_shared<Origen::YieldResource>();
yr_io.load( *yr, Origen::yields_filepath, opts );
ASSERT_TRUE( yr != nullptr ) << opts.writeErrorStack();
// TOC("loaded fission yield resource");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.04s 18 MB
// TIC();
rr->import_fission_yields( *yr );
// TOC("loaded internal YR");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.03s 35 MB
// Import .
// TIC();
// TOC("loaded internal AMPX");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.02s 31 MB
// TIC();
// TransitionSystemMole ts; //use the Mole to print info while updating
// TOC("created empty transition system");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.00s 25 MB
// TIC();
tsa.extend( &ts );
// TOC("extended transition system");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.04s 34 MB
// TIC();
tsa.extend( &ts );
// TOC("re-extended transition system");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.05s 34 MB
// tsa.print(); //print tsa internals
// TIC();
// std::vector<double> mg_flux0 = TestHelper::get_test_flux(1.0,252);
std::vector<float> mg_flux( 252, 1.0 );
// mg_flux.assign(mg_flux0.begin(),mg_flux0.end());
// TOC("setup test data");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.00s 35 MB
// TIC();
// ts.header(); //uncomment when using the Mole
float sumflux = tsa.update( &ts, mg_flux );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 252, sumflux );
// ts.footer(); //uncomment when using the Mole
jDebugLine( "ID sumflux=" << sumflux );
// TOC("updated transition system with internal AMPX data");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.04s 35 MB
if( false )
// Load AMPX self-shielded library into memory.
// TIC();
AmpxWorkingLibrary ssnxs;
ssnxs.setFileName( "ft04f001" );
int rtn = ssnxs.open();
ASSERT_TRUE( rtn != 0 );
// TOC("loaded AMPX Self-Shielded library");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.01s 35 MB
// TIC();
std::ofstream os;
os.open( "ssnxs.txt" );
tsa.print( ssnxs, os );
// TOC("wrote file={ft04f001} to ssnxs.txt");
int mix_id = 25;
// TIC();
tsa.extend_by_mix( &ts, ssnxs, mix_id );
// TOC("extended transition system for mix_id="<<int2str(mix_id));
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.03s 36 MB
// TIC();
// ts.header(); //uncomment when using the Mole
float sumflux = tsa.update_by_mix( &ts, ssnxs, mix_id );
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ( 252, sumflux );
// ts.footer(); //uncomment when using the Mole
jDebugLine( "SS sumflux=" << sumflux );
// TOC("updated transition system with internal AMPX data and additional
// library");
// mempause std::cin.get(); //0.0s 36 MB