Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAccessor< Origen::Concentrations >
 CAccessor< Origen::LibraryHeader >
 CAccessor< Origen::NuclideSet >
 CAccessor< Origen::StateInfo >
 CAccessor< Origen::TagManager >
 CAccessor< Origen::TransitionCoeff >
 Calpha_library_classAlpha data library class; it reads the alpha source library from file into memory
 Cbeta_library_classBeta data library class; it reads the beta source data from a file into memory
 CSTab1::BlockBlock is a list of data with a control record
 CCase::case_solver_options_structStruct for holding solver options in Case
 CCompContainerStruct to store compositions (always as number fractions)
 CCompManagerClass for mixing up sweet materials
 CSTab1::DataData is a single piece of data with a control record
 CDiffSimple interface for differs
 CDiscreteSpectrumDefines a set of lines (energy points and intensities)
 CEmissionSpectrumDefines a continuous + discrete line spectra for a single nuclide
 CEnergyResourceComputes kappa values for fission/capture based on izzzaaa lookup
 Cgamma_library_classGamma library; provides a wrapper around the gamma data libraries
 CGridView< T, X, Y >GridView provides a template for creating "views" of date usable with GridData to perform interpolation and "permute" interpolated types
 CGridView_TransitionCoeffViewer for interpolating TransitionCoeff data using GridData
 CHistory< Q >
 Ckernel_cram_from_fortranFortran interface for the c++ interface function kernel_cram_from_fortran() used to access kernel_cram() from Fortran
 CLexicalOrderIZZZAAASorting function
 Cmap< K, T >STL class
 CMultiZoneDepleterPerforms one step of irradiation (potentially many substeps) for many materials, with a fixed transition matrix which resides on each material
 Cneutron_library_classNeutron data library class; it reads the neutron source data from a file into memory
 CNuclideSimple cross section storage for a nuclide
 CObiwan_convertExecute obiwan in convert mode
 CObiwan_diffExecute obiwan in diff mode
 CObiwan_infoExecute obiwan in info mode
 CObiwan_interpExecute obiwan in interp mode
 CObiwan_patchExecute obiwan in patch mode
 CObiwan_tagExecute obiwan in tag mode
 CObiwan_viewExecute obiwan in view mode
 Corigen_alpha_classAlpha calculation module
 Corigen_alpha_optionsOptions for alpha printout
 Corigen_beta_classBeta source calculation and printout class. Use this class to evaluate beta source and beta spectra based on the nuclide concentrations
 Corigen_beta_optionsOptions for beta printout
 Corigen_gamma_classGamma calculations
 Corigen_gamma_optionsOptions for gamma calculation and output
 Corigen_neutron_classClass handling the neutron calculations
 Corigen_neutron_optionsOptions for neutron calculations printout
 Corigen_output_classExposure table printing functions; needed for Origami
 COrigenLibraryBuilderCreate new Origen libraries with SCALE/AMPX/ORIGEN
 CQuantity< T >
 CQuantity< Time >
 CRemovalStores removal constants
 CRRXs< T >
 CSolverInterface satisfied ORIGEN single step depletion/decay solver
 Csolver_optionsSolver settings structure
 CSolverSelectorClass for getting the selected solver
 CSpectrumContainer for spectrum data
 CSTab1Simplified Tab1 container
 CStateContainer for state data
 CNuclide::XsA simple multi-group cross section storage class